
Do any of you leave a tip for the maids that come in after

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you and clean the room?




  1. yes

  2. Yes, I do tip the maids at the hotels I stay at.

    We can leave tips to a bartender that just served us a drink that took no work at all but we can't leave a tip for a  maid that cleans our rooms. IMO, the maids should be tipped by all.

    For those of you complaining about tipping maids in a hotel room, you have no class and are tight wads including you tight wad Europeans that answered this question.

    I was one of those that never thought about tipping maids at hotel rooms but when my wife enlightened me about this 12 years ago, I always tip now. It makes sense to me now. They make minimum wage and are struggling...the least I can do is leave them 2-3 dollars.  

  3. Yes, about $2.00 per day.

  4. It depends,

    If she was nice and respected you and cleaned everything thoroughly then yes i would leave a tip.If she was angry, distrubing and not doing her job..well tough luck.

  5. You know "L".......I tip everyone very well, but I can honestly say that I have never tipped a maid at a hotel.

    I should probably start this......sometimes I leave money out just laying around on the desk or dresser by do they determine if it is a tip or was left unintentionally. Do you leave them a note or something?

  6. Yeah. It's Usually What Lots Of People Do.

    They Leave You Candy. You Leave Them A Tip. :D

  7. Maids are paid at least minimum wage so I've never tipped a maid and found it very offensive the one and only time I stayed at a hotel where they actually had a small sign in the room telling the guest that tips were expected. That's kinda like saying we'll clean your room and not pilfer your stuff if you leave us a big enough tip........I never leave a room in a mess anyway, so the maid actually only needs to collect dirty towels and leave clean ones and maybe empty a trash can. That's a minimum wage job.

    Tipping expectations in America are out of control. We can't seem to go anywhere without someone wanting a handout........

  8. Yes, if its to my standard.

  9. No. Never.

    Tipping everyone seems to be a real American thing. In the UK, and Europe, practically the only place you tip is in a restaurant. You don't tip hotel staff, bar staff (well, I suppose at a bar you might say keep the change if it's not much) or anyone else.

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