
Do any of you mothers or soon-to-be mothers think this is wierd?

by Guest59691  |  earlier

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I know that normally people give birth in a hospital, a clinic or at home with a midwife. But did you ever wonder why you have to go somewhere where there are other people swarming around you and where people basically tell you how to give birth? I mean, shouldn't things like birth be done naturally? (No offense intendded to those who are more comfortable having their baby in a hopsital, because i totally understand that if something goes wrong, that's the better place to be).




  1. I think it would be beautiful to have your baby in a calm, quiet environment.  Unfortunately, I was one of those people who needed lots of doctors swarming around.  Everyone has to make their own choice, but I won't risk being somewhere without all the advanced equipment and people who are very experienced with things that go wrong....I needed it the first time I gave birth ...the birthing experience is so amazing, I didn't even notice that there were a million on-lookers in my room....

    Also, my doctor was open to suggestions as long as they were safe and possible 9ie I said no episiotomy....

  2. nope, never wondered that. i have wondered how the did it in the old days, when the doctor would have to travel 5 miles to your farm house while the kiddlets got the towels and pot of hot water ready...couldnt imagine it any other way then they way we have it with hospitals and professionals all around.

  3. I know when I was in labor with my daughter, it annoyed me at first. However, I could not receive an pain medication, so eventually I did not care who was around, I just wanted that baby out..:)

  4. I've actually wondered the opposite, why do people want to give birth with no medical assistance? I know it's a natural process and women have been doing it for years, but why not take advantage of the technology we have now?

    I think people should do what they're comfortable with, if that means being in a hospital, great, if it means being at home, also great.

    I'm feel like the other poster who has noticed how judgemental and downright mean people can be able other people's birth choices, especially when it comes to inductions. I just don't understand why people care what total strangers choose to do when having their baby. Some just seem to get all bent out of shape when people even mention being induced, without knowing the circumstances!

    Like i said, people should do what they're comfortable with. It's their baby and their body!

  5. I Don't think they're always swarming around ..they're there because they're there to help you if someone goes wrong with you or the baby. I guess it depends on the individual ...I rather have my baby in the hospital not because of comfortability but to be on the safe side just incase something goes wrong.  

  6. I don't look at it as people swarming around me. And, my hospital gives choices on how to give birth (as many do).

    Furthermore, some people prefer a birth naturally and some people don't. It has amazed me how judgmental people are about how women deliver since I got pregnant (I'm not implying you are one of them). I'm not so sure why people get so out of control about it.

  7. Really that's not weird at all. I would love to have a private home birth, but I personally wouldn't risk my baby dying if there was a complication or if I needed an emergency C section. If I was guaranteed there would be no complications,  I would so have a home birth. You don't Have to go somewhere with people swarming...its just a preference. I've seen unassisted home births with no medical people there...that went great. looks more relaxing...but I wouldn't personally just in case something happens. But there's high risk in my family too. So that makes me a little bias. If you want to...go ahead. You are brave and I wish you luck

  8. I think a lot has to do with the culture you live in as well as the area of the world you live in.  There are still many places around the world where women give birth unattended, some while working the fields then return to their work shortly afterwards.  The rate of infant mortality is, of course, higher in those areas of the world than in developed countries such as the US.  Not everyone has choices like we do in this country.  I don't think we know or sometimes forget how priviledged we are as a nation compared to most of the population of the world.  In the US, some women prefer medical personnel close by every step of the way while others do prefer the solitude of their own home with a midwife present.  You can have a natural birth in the hospital as well.  I have given birth 4 times.  With my middle 2 kids, they were both born in the early hours of the morning and I had to get my obstetrician out of bed to come to the delivery.  In both cases, the only people in the room during the delivery were me, my husband, my doctor, and a nurse, sometimes 2.  We kept the lights very low due to the early hour of the day and despite the need to deliver each one with forceps due to a posterior presentation, things were kept relatively calm and peaceful.  There was no swarming of people and other than my in-laws (who took care of our older children) no one else in the world knew I was in the hospital having a baby at 4 in the morning.  I didn't feel that any of my doctors or nurses were telling me how to give birth, but they were rather there as supporters and encouragers along with my husband.  With my first 3 I always felt in control of the situation and able to tell my husband and the medical personnel what I wanted to do and how I felt.  My 4th baby was born when I was 38 and had Gestational Diabetes.  In years past, I may have lost my baby because of the diabetes and an advanced maternal age, but with extra care and monitoring I was able to get through a difficult pregnancy and labor situation and give birth to a healthy baby.  There were some difficult moments and I needed the medical professionals to tell me what to do as I had no idea.  I don't think it is weird to want to take advantage of all the medical advancements to do what you can to have a healthy baby nor do I think it weird to want to have your baby in as natural a setting as possible.  Every woman is different and giving birth is a personal experience.  We are fortunate to have so many options because many more women of the world have no options at all and sadly, must deal more frequently with the heart-breaking loss of their baby and sometimes their families must deal with the tragedy of the loss of the mother's life as well.

  9. I sometimes find it weird how we, humans, see birth. I mean a cat has 6 kittens at the same time, does this alone, in the corner of the house.

    But at the same time, it makes me so nervous to know that something could go wrong...that the pain would be unbarable... or else. So I'm going to have my baby in the hospital. I do not think it is weird to be supervised, nor do I think it weird for some women to want to give birth at home. I think it's all a matter of personal choice.

  10. I gave birth in the hospital because it was the safest, however I did not appreciate the "swarm" around me. When I was in the hospital room it was only me and my daughter's father and the occasional nurse to come and check me. When I was ready they wheeled me into the delivery room and there I am with my legs in the stirrups and I look up and see about 10 interns just staring. I was in shock and the doctor has the nerve to tell me to ignore them, it's a learning hospital, pretend they're not there. Needless to say my doctor was a man and didn't quite understand how hard it was to ignore 10 strangers gawking at me like I was performing a show for them. My daughter was a premie so she had to stay in the hospital for about a week and one day when I was visiting her I passed that same group and they pointed me out saying oh there's the lady that we saw giving birth. How could I ignore that?????  

  11. I chose to give birth in a hospital because, as you said, it seems to be the safest place to be when you're in that kind of situation. But my grandmother gave birth to all eight children at her home. Also, I've been thinking about waterbirth, since it seems interesting and appealing to me. Not to mention it seems calmer than having it in a hospital. It's just that you'll never know what could happen in emergency situations.

  12. Where I live I don't think there are any midwives so a home birth is not an option. You have to go to the doctor and the doctor delivers at the hospital.

  13. I don't think it's that we want people swarming around us like flies, we just like the peace of mind that if something did go wrong, or if we end up not being able to handle the pain, then we wouldn't have to worry about being transported to the hospital.  

  14. I feel WAY more comfortable because the people swarming around me are trained professionals. They have been trained to assist a women in giving birth.  I also feel more comfortable at a hospital because they are fully equiped to handle a bad situation should one arise!  My mother was really looking into a home birth with my youngest sister. My father finally talked her into have the baby at the hospital. Well the day my sister was born she had severe breathing problems and needed IMMEDIATE medical attention. If my mom would have had her at home there is no possible way should would have survived. She had to stay in the hospital to be treated for 3 weeks. My mom had a very healthy pregnancy with her and had no idea she would be born with any problems!

    So I will have my baby in a hospital just like I would bring my son there if he needed medical attention! I wouldnt try to do that on my own either!

  15. If by "more naturally" you mean not having anyone to moniter your labor and medically assist at your birth, I don't understand why ANYONE WOULD do that.

    I hear stories all the time of women and their husbands planning a home birth, without even a midwife, wanting it to be a natural family experience. They want to "catch their own baby."

    Guess what, my neighbor is on the rescue squad, and on so many occasions, they have to intervene at home-births-gone-wrong, where the mother is covered in blood, f***s, urine, and birthing fluids, writhing in pain, and the baby is in a life-threatening situation.

    Not my idea of a "lovely birth experience."

    I will have my baby at a hospital, because I know that my baby's wellbeing and physically safety are more important than an "enjoyable birth experience" for me. The goal of birth is to safely deliver a healthy baby.

    I have no problems having a swarm of doctors or nurses around me. They'll be the ones wiping my bum if I c**p on the table.

    In the end, I'd much rather say "I wish I had a more enjoyable birth experience" than "I wish I had had my baby in a hospital, they could've saved him"

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