
Do any of you people pay attention to the daily news conferences at the White House?

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It's really kind of sad....

A.) Libs want Bush to be a "Lame Duck" president

B.) They want to make sure that any idea he comes up with is not allowed to influence the greater good of the people of the USA

C.) Democrat Clinton closed and shut down 33% of our military

D.) we have bases just sitting there unoccupied, Bush suggested we build refineries there- free of charge- Dems shot down the idea.

E.) Bush has wanted offshore drilling and drilling in ANWR for a long time- Dems shot it down...

There is a pattern --- Dems will do anything to not allow a positive note come from this administration so that they can get a dem in office

the replacement they have is less than 6 months old as a senator.

Would you really elect someone to be the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth who has less than 6 months of experience?... cause I think that is a terrible idea.

So, do you agree that dems are purposely hurting us and our eceonomy to move there liberal agenda?




  1. I agree completely. They think they can make the world how they want it to be while not dealing with how it really is. All they want is more regulation and government oversight in our lives so that they can get a bigger kickback from all the red tape. All they want is power. Absolute power. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. They have the media in their pockets because that's where they get their money from, or the media has them in their pockets to attack the people that don't share their secular views. Either way, that's not how this country was meant to be run. How many times in the last 4-8 years has the media put forth as news pure falsehood to cram this view down our throats? How many liberal judges have tried to legislate from the bench instead of doing the job they were put there to do, namely rule on law as it is written? None of them give a d**n about your rights or your life, they only care about power and will do or say anything, even if it comes to outright lieing to gain it. They hate Bush and all their motives and moves are ran by that emotion, hate. That's not the people I want making decisions that will affect me.

  2. Why ever would one think that Dem's or Republicans have anyone's interests but their own in mind?

    Clinton did not need the military for his personal wars, once Bosnia went to the UN .. so? The economy thrived, with a budget surplus;

    How is the deficit now?

    Under Clinton the Repub.s harassed the chief for betting a ******** .,. the economy thrived, even though it cost the American Taxpayer hundreds of millions to disclose this form of behaviour..

    Who wins .. anyone associated with the Feds.. who loses?

    Everyone else .....

  3. First of all, Bush would, by definition, be a lame-duck president with or without liberal support, simply because he is unable to run for re-election.

    Secondly, he's gotten just about everything he's wanted out of Congress for the past seven years, despite the fact that the current administration is one of the most corrupt and inept in history.

    The reduction in military size likely would have come anyway as part of the "peace dividend" stemming from the end of the Cold War.

    Fourth, it seems far more likely that drilling in ANWR is about Bush's self-interest than it is in the national interest. Bush's father signed the ban on offshore drilling.

    Oil executives have repeatedly testified that they don't want more refinery capacity. More capacity would drive down profits.

    This administration has done a great job s******g things up without any help from the Democrats.

    Years ago, the GOP nominated for president an Illiinois congressman who hyad the same amount of experience as Obama.

    That candidate won, and is remembered as one of our greatest presidents.

    His name was Abraham Lincoln.

  4. Indeed I do!  And you put your thoughts down so magnificently!  How I wish we had more people like you out there.  Someone with commonsense and wisdom!  Keep up the good work!

  5. Yes, and unfortunately this is not a new game they are playing at the country's expense.

  6. You are basing your judgments on the daily news conference - Whose EXACT JOB IS TO SPIN!!!! That is WHY they are HIRED. An average intelligent person calls it SPIN & PROPAGANDA!

    By any chance remember Scott McClellan????

    Scott McClellan on CBS:

    Scott vs BiLLo the Baboon:

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