
Do any of you people perfer honesty over PC?

by  |  earlier

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look im sick of people being so offended by stuff that's not offensive, PC is the language of cowards in comparason to blunt honesty. Do you think yourself too sensitive or do you admire people for showing there true opinions rather than dancing around the questions.




  1. blunt honesty.  i'm not clever enough to come up with PC responses or comments.

    Whoo i just got a flashback to my racist days.... (not really racist, just not PC in my answer to a black girls question.... yeah, i thought i was going to be fired)

  2. I think "blunt honesty" is often a coverup for "I want to be an obnoxious jerk, and I will say whatever I want, without regard for the feelings of others".

    You can be politically correct and be honest at the same time.

  3. I admire people for showing their true opinions. I would definitely prefer honesty. Some people need blunt honesty instead of sugar coating. However, blunt honesty should definitely be given to a person tactfully. Tell them what they need to hear instead but soften it up just a little.

  4. the only time i think you shouldnt be brutally honest is when somebody is actually searching for encouragement, like all of these kinda insecure ppl who always ask how they look.  then you just dont answer, or say they look nice, or whatever.  its screwed up when people also use this site as a vent for their frustrations and just take it out on other ppl.  otherwise, there is no real excuse for lying to get the points or just so the person likes your answer more.

  5. you can be honest without being offensive! but i do think pc is killing this country!!!

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