
Do any of you "believers" have tangible proof of "paranormal" phenomena?

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Do any of you "believers" have tangible proof of "paranormal" phenomena?




  1. Yes. But nothing that would hold up in a court.  I have a photo of a "orb" traveling at near the speed of sound.  All conditions were tested by an electrical engineer and he came up with a speed of 690 to 1000 miles per hour. The most common   explanation of orb's is a bug or dust non of these travel that fast.  It may not be paranormal but it is off the scale of weird. I saw nothing when taking the picture in a small closet were strange happenings were reported.  Just keep telling your self that it is not real, if it scares you so much, you big wussy.I have a lot more examples but it might scare you.  Why don't you stop trying to bait people, grow up!

  2. There might be proof that men with big mouths have little peckers.

  3. Paranormal phenomena are, by their nature, subjective, not objective experiences.  Having those experiences is what makes a "believer."  Until you experience them, you will remain a sceptic.  It's not for everyone...

  4. I think it's a little unfair to ask for proof.  Very few things can be proved absolutely.  Better to ask for evidence.  And regrettably (I say "regrettably" because telekinesis etc would be great fun, not to mention ghosts), no, there is none.


  5. WOW,  Very interesting. Can you email me more information please. This is fascinating reading and I would like more if you can email me. Although I don't agree with everything, this does explains a lot. The skeptics are completely brainwashed by what they are claiming doesnt exist. LOL.

  6. The burden of proof is on the claimant to convince others, the skeptic merely asks, “prove it”. Nothing here has provided any evidence for supernatural beliefs...

    erroneous claims from earlier "answers"

    - "For example, there are some individuals who assist the police in finding people and things."

    You name one. Then verify it with the police department. You will find that many "psychics" claim this but none have records to support this claim.

    - "Advanced Tibetan monks, for example, can demonstrate tangible phenomena not yet explainable by modern science."

    "not yet explainable" does not imply supernatural; if there is an effect (if it can me measured), discovery of a cause is likely (though, not guaranteed – still, it does not necessarily mean it is supernatural). This is akin to gravity - we still do not know the “cause” of gravity but no one would doubt its efficacy (and one day we might discover it).

    - “Until you experience them, you will remain a sceptic”

    This presumes that we can readily explain everything we experience and this is not likely the case. Our senses can be easily fooled (ask any magician). Subjective experience is not evidence.

    - “I have a photo of a "orb" traveling at near the speed of sound”

    (How does one get speed from a still photo?)

    - “Just keep telling your self that it is not real, if it scares you so much…”

    This misses the point badly; no one is saying that you didn’t experience “something”, just that it likely has a natural explanation (Given all of human fallibility, you are certain that you couldn’t be mistaken about any of the “details”?)

    - “I believe not because of "them" but because of logic just because we cant explain it doesn't mean it doesn't exist”

    This statement is true, but it defends skepticism. It is the believer who claims that since no one can give a natural explanation then the phenomenon must be supernatural. This is in error because it presumes that we have looked into all possible causes. The default position is incredulity until the evidence suggests the possibility. Or one must currently believe in every claim made.

    We have the ability to educate ourselves about the incredulity of such claims if only we would look into them a little deeper. Reality can be pretty mysterious without our imaginations to alter it.



    I feel I should comment on the "master numbers" claim as well...

    Humans are pattern seekers by nature and we will go to great lengths to find them (Indeed many things in nature do not form rigid patterns, but we still try to adapt them to our belief in this).

    These "master numbers" are nothing more than those numbers YOU remember better. In any given day we are subjected to thousands of numbers, the fact that we might notice (or remember) a particular number more often than others is not, therefore, unlikely. Especially since we only remember so many things we see to begin with (and we are, in essence, looking for these specific numbers).

    The error in thinking here basically formed by a combination of coincidence and attribution bias, and has no connection to the supernatural - ask any statistician (I encourage you to do so).

  7. No, never will but if the person who recorded the orb traveling the speed of sound, why did not anyone hear the sonic boom? As a child of the fifties, I remember seeing jets fly over way before we could hear them and you saw the jet, waited, heard a sonic boom which is loud by the way and then you hear the jet.

    Anything that goes faster then the speed of sound will break the sound barrier and will create a sonic boom.

    Sorry I just don't buy that.


  8. Agreed--until you experience something you'll never truly believe. Been there done that. I had respect for it, but I wasn't sure I truly believed in ghosts...until I started to feel them around my house. Now I hear and feel them. But no, I'm afraid I don't have any tangible proof. It's all just my own experiences.

  9. I believe not because of "them" but because of logic just because we cant explain it doesn't mean it doesn't exist

  10. there are pictures and some really disturbing recordings

  11. Can I get a hallelujah?!

    Main Entry: 1tan·gi·ble

    Pronunciation: 'tan-j&-b&l

    Function: adjective

    Etymology: Late Latin tangibilis, from Latin tangere to touch

    1 a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : PALPABLE b : substantially real : MATERIAL

    2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind <her grief was tangible>

    3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value <tangible assets>

    synonym see PERCEPTIBLE

    - tan·gi·bil·i·ty  /"tan-j&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun

    - tan·gi·ble·ness  /'tan-j&-b&l-n&s/ noun

    Main Entry: per·cep·ti·ble

    Pronunciation: p&r-'sep-t&-b&l

    Function: adjective

    : capable of being perceived especially by the senses <a perceptible change in her tone> <a barely perceptible light>

    - per·cep·ti·bil·i·ty  /-"sep-t&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun

    - per·cep·ti·bly  /-blE/ adverb


    I got me a Demon who likes to get a little touchy-feely...seems to fit the definition of "tangible" in my Merriam Webster book.

    (Yeah, don't get too is SAD day indeed when you can't get *lucky* with an Incubus :/ ... )

    Plus I got all kinds of things bouncing around that are perceptable to my other senses...again according to the Good Book.

  12. No I don't

  13. Yes. I do. Me and a group of people have this reoccuring thing going on with us where-as we keep seeing numbers repeatedly, over and over and over again everywhere throughout our lives, but mainly on clocks. The numbers are double digit numbers. Specifically 11, 22, 33 and so on. They are called "life path numbers" and we discovered that they are also "Master Numbers." Only the double digit numbers are. Anyway there's lots more information on it. Look it up sometimes. Look up (master numbers) and what they mean if you like.

  14. Paranormal phenomena often have tangible evidence.

    For example, there are some individuals who assist the police in finding people and things.

    Psychokinesis is often tangibly felt from masters of certain martial arts who can generate energy through points on their palms.

    Advanced Tibetan monks, for example, can demonstrate tangible phenomena not yet explainable by modern science.

  15. Define tangible proof....the eye of the beholder is the only person who can say whether or not they have actual proof of anything.  Problem is, every person is different so what is tangible to them is not always agreed with by others.

    The problem with the paranormal community in a whole is there is so much fake pictures, videos, and clever (or not so clever) editing that it makes it easier for the skeptic to declare everything is faked.  It is like everything else, you can choose to believe it, or not believe it.

    You can look over our pictures on our website and determine for yourself if they are legit or not.  Can I tell you that you will see the pictures and believe them or not?  Of course not, some will be convinced, some will think we doctored the photos though of course we did not, and some will try and rule out what is seen as "The mind likes to make sense of images and there is really nothing there."

    I believe of course, and I stand by what we have gathered as evidence but I am not shallow enough to believe that others may dispute it and one would expect them to.  Whether or not the evidence is tangible to you is your call.  

    Rick Simon

    Cook County Paranormal Investigators

  16. I have a table with a burned leg that was burned when a "ghost" turned on a wall heater twice.  The table was next to the heater.  It was turned on while I was upstairs in the house.  I smelled the paint burning and when I searched the house for the burning I found the wall heater turned on fully on High and burning the leg.  I turned it off and went back upstairs.  My wife knew nothing about this.  She went into the kitchen and found the heater again on and burning the leg and she again turned it off.  She asked me why I turned it on and of course I told her what I had found and had turned it off.  I then asked the ghost to please never turn the heater on again so as not to burn the house down.  The heater has never again been turned on.  I more recently put tape on the switch to keep it from being turned on.  I do have the table with the burned leg as tangible evidence.  My wife and I know the table was burned in that way but someone else has to believe what we say happened.  Many other things have happened over the years.  Dogs put outside and locked out, music boxes wound and played, a little girl talking to the dogs, a lady greeting the kids from upstairs when they entered an empty house.  A couple of EVPs were picked up, I have not yet, however, caught a ghost and locked him or her in a mason jar yet.  How tangible can a ghost be except to those at the time of an encounter?

  17. of course martial artists can channel kinetic energy through their hands! it is called a "punch"!!!

    of course not, but places with ghosts normally have high electromagnetic pulses, but then again, why and how the h**l does a ghost leave such pulses?

  18. No one does.  If they did, it would be "normal" phenomena.

  19. I have proof.

    its not hard to get.

    the problem is that you end up with proof of what ?

    that something you don't know much about is really there.

    now I am looking for what exactly is out there.

    things I can prove:

    time is not linear. (an effect can be the cause)

    ghosts show up as moving electrostatic fields.

  20. The only thing proved here is that a lot of people are persistently Silly.With a few exceptions your question proves that.Only one of the believers so far isn't.Guess who she is.

  21. none that you as a "skeptic" wouldn't deem inconclusive if not blatently false.  the best approach would be as a rational skeptic, where you go in trying to debunk what you can, but to keep an open enough mind as to where you don't come with equally out there rebuttals to try and disprove the evidence.  try watching ghost hunters to see what I mean.  they disprove a good number of occurances (80% easy), and have still come up with some evidence that's hard to ignore, as they go out of their way to try and disprove the occurance.

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