
Do any of you remember that 90's game that came in an aqua box?

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What is it called? I believe it was made by Hasbro/Parker Bros.




  1. Trivial Pursuit is sort of aqua, but it wasn't published by Hasbro/Parker Brothers.  It was Horn Abbot in Canada and Selchow & Righter in the USA.  Parker Brothers picked up the rights in 1999, if you mean that one.

    The 1997 edition of Bamboozle came in a blue box, but it originally came out in 1962.

    You probably mean Trivial Pursuit.

  2. I have Trivial Pursuit, Master game, Young Players Edition, from 1984.  It was licensed by Horn Abbot to Selchow & Righter.

  3. Connect four.

  4. Trivia Pursuit

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