
Do any of you think a Transatlantic tunnel will be built? Is it likely?

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The Maglev air tight tunnel is only theory isn't it?




  1. It would probably be cost prohibitive and the Atlantic is a very deep ocean.

  2. There would never be a trans atlantic tunnel built because of the ocean currents and depth.

  3. no i don't think it will ever be built 1 way to expensive 2 the floor of the atlantic is to deep and rough

  4. Crossing the Mid-Atlantic ridge would be problematic- that's where the ocean floor spreads out from- it grows every year!

  5. even if money was no object the logistics of it seem impossible. You've got the problem of air supply, bottom contours, fuel stations, pressure, earth movement and these are just the beginning.

  6. In addition to all those other things, if it were a simple traffic tunnel, no vehicle would be able to travel that distance without refueling.

    You're more likely to see a bridge from Nova Scotia to Greenland to somewhere in Europe.

  7. No, it would be too costly, and difficult to make safe

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