
Do any of you think there could be a part of everyone's brain that has to do with seeing the paranormal?

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Maybe that's one of those parts that some people use and others don't. Maybe it has to be "activated" or something like that.




  1. It is possible Michael Persinger (link below) explored this as far back as 1974 in a book called "The Paranormal: The Patterns.

    This has also been explored by Melvin Morse, M.D. in his book "Where God Lives: The Science of the Paranormal and How Our Brains are Linked to the Universe" (link below).


  2. I think it's a possibility, though I doubt it's as extreme as use vs. lack of use. Rather, I'd suggest it's just a different functioning. For example, a MRI study of persons with Charles Bonnet syndrome found a very high correlation between the types of hallucinations experienced by these patients and increased activity in the corresponding visual area of their brains. For example, patients hallucinating in color showed activity in an area known to be the color center in the fusiform gyrus while a patient hallucinating in black and white showed activity outside of this region (see link).

    If this is the case, then it is not unreasonable to think that other natural causes for perceived "paranormal" happenings, e.g., visual illusion, feelings of anxiety, etc.,  might be linked to certain brain structures as well.

  3. take lsd or mushrooms will open up that part of the brain

  4. I've been thinking its the Immune System.

  5. Could possibly be. Also dont count out that those who do possess the ability may have a malfunction in part of their brain sending mixed signals to what the brain perceives as what it thinks it saw.

  6. Yes.Its a part of the brain most people never use.Only people with psychic abilities use this part of the brain.You may ask why do psychics use that part of the brain and not everyone else.Its like opening doors in your mind.Once another door is opened you gain something either in intellegence or psychic abilities.Some people who have suffered a mental breakdown or have suffered from depression may develope psychic abilities better than normal people.Sometime when the mind is stressed ,damaged and in pain it retreats to other parts of the brain.The parts of the brain normal people don"t go.Once you go there.Your never the same again.Once you have learned the psychic abilities.You never forget where they are.

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