
Do any of you understand why a church that's steeped in paranormal experiences..?

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Taylor...but that's not in the USA.! Guess I should have stated that . I realize that priests, nuns the USA will believe some paranormal "miracles" in OTHER countries..but won't believe their own people in America.




  1. Religion is all about controlling the great unwashed hordes of people.  They don't care about the truth only keeping their power over the masses.  If some one offered you 10% of everyones pay check you would go for it too.  You wouldn't want to lose your control over that either.

  2. Deenie,

    This is a very profound question.  I couldn't agree with you more when you say that a church that relies 100% on paranormal or supernatural events has no right to criticize other people for experiencing something they themselves consider to be paranormal or supernatural.

  3. Cuz even though they studied and preach about spiritual warfare and demons, they have never encountered it so are naturally skeptical and are quick to call those who claim to experience the paranormal as Nuts.  





  4. I think what Leigh is saying, or at least what I would say, is that a rational hypothesis could be wrong but that doesn't mean the irrational one wins by default.  Someone seeing the Phoenix lights might speculate that it was candle-powered hot air balloons, set off from someone's back yard.  This is a rational explanation which would look very much like what the people saw.  As it turns out, this would not have been the correct explanation.  But the mere existence of a prosaic explanation which matches the observed facts gives reason to be skeptical of the extraordinary explanation: space ships from another world.  (As it turns out, it was a series of very bright flares dropped over a military test range 40 miles away.)

    Religious right-wingers will sneer at your claims because you are not one of them and they believe all miracles are reserved for them only.  Or they might accuse you of cavorting with Satanic influences.

  5. churches arent set up to do that. they have an agenda and a mission which are well defined. they are there to do their business

  6. I guess that they dont believe the experiences you refer to are real, or perhaps the only paranormal they believe in is the divine.

    I guess it's a bit closed minded, but they are open to their opinion.

    As an open minded skeptic, I've never heard of any cases that couldn't have some rational explanation, even though the rational one might not be the correct one!

  7. Most churches I know of believe that only THEY may have paranormal experiences.  They likely think that others who claim to have them are either mixed up in dark magic, worshiping Satan or just crazy.  Why they should be so self centered as to believe that only they are capable of having truly meaningful meetings with ...and angel for instance.... well I don't know that... It's terribly conceited if you ask me.

  8. Sounds like there's a story behind this question... I'm curious to hear the details.

    To answer your question specifically, no I really don't understand that.

  9. Some Churches don't...I am a Christian and I believe in the paranormal but they are not "ghosts" the are demons. Demons still have their angelic powers and can read minds, hear you talk, see you, etc...and can take the form of another to try to scare you into doing what they want....

  10. i came across something interesting a little while ago, the opposite of what your saying...

    about a church in Jerusalem and every year at easter this huge gathering of thousands go there to witness this miracle of the "holy fire" where jesus,s tomb is... now this got my attention because its such a huge phenonemen, so how can it go un noticed to the rest of the world, i started becoming a skeptic of this event, that this event has been carried out for a thousand years or so, its created to bring in large crowds of tourists from what im saying is, they are creating paranormal activity, to attract people to their church, ill post these links to give you and others an idea of what im talking about....(hope the links work)  

    this says a bit how its staged from a skeptics view, which gets my attention as well, and you know im not a skeptic,  

    so what im saying is, some churches turn their backs on paranormal, and some churches create paranormal to get the crowds.....

    and what really got my attention of this being bocus, is i was reading a ladys experience while she was there and the statue of jesus started bleeding while she had been standing there, now her story was true, but its what she wrote about when she got excited and told the priest, and it was what the priest said to her, that gave me an instant gut feeling, it was all staged, she was just so gullable....her story of the bleeding statue is in the first site i gave you...if anyone finds it and reads it, youll know what im talking about, it was the priests re action to her getting excited with the bleeding statue......

    heres her link, her story of the bleeding statue, it was at the end that got my attention.....  

    she was in jerusalem witnessing the holy fire...

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