
Do any of you watch martial arts or take martial arts or compete in martial arts?What do you take?Do you have?

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a favorite martial arts. To me Akeido is the most effiecient form of martial arts today. Do you agree? Why? Disagree?Why?




  1. I watch Martial Arts, I take Martial Arts, and I compete in Martial Arts.

    I currently take Judo, *Brazilian Jiujitsu, *Boxing, *Muay Thai, *No Gi Submission Wrestling. (*= in the context of MMA) and Krav Maga when I get a chance. Mostly Judo right now.

    I have taken a lot of arts, including Aikido.

    I don't have a favorite Martial Art, I veiw each thing I take as another tool in the tool belt. The more I know the better I can be, and the more techniques and styles I use and can use against live resisting opponents, the moore tools in the toolbox i have that I can recall when the time is right.

    I disagree with Aikido being the most effecient form of Martial Arts, I don't think any one style is the most effecient. I also don't think Aikido is very effective in most situations.

    Most of it's moves require cooperation of Uke and Tori to be done effectively, very few styles of Aikido do full sparring or randori, which puts them drastically behind the curve in terms of practical experience.

    Most of their locks require pain compliance, or the assumption that you already have control over your opponent.

    Many of their throws require cooperation that most people aren't going to give.

    It requires many many years to be remotely effective with it to use in a practical situation.

    I think that some of their techniques are great, as far as another poster mentioned for law enforcement, Aikido is great for getting cuffs on an already subdued opponent who is not cooperating.

    I think it isn't a very well balanced Martial Art, as I don't think it's striking, or striking defense is sufficient, nor do I think it would do well against a grappler, or on a ground situation.

    I think it has a lot of great techniques within it, that have to be heavily modified to work in a self defense scenario. I think it has a lot of useful ideas, philosophies and techniques, but I don't think it fits anywhere close to the most efficient Martial Art today.

    Just my opinion.

  2. I take Taido, and personally i love it! instead of it focussing on attacking people you really learn how to avoid being hit, its GREAT!

  3. I think judo along with boxing.

  4. There is definatly no "best martial arts"... as many have seen over the past years with the development of organizations like UFC, if anyone fights with just ONE martial art, you leave yourself with many weaknesses. I think we have got to the point where an individual could consider MMA a martial art in and of itself. And if you do consider it a martial art, then that could be considered the best

  5. Yes, I take martial arts. I've trained in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu), Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jujitsu, Hapkido, Aikido, and Maharlika Kuntaw. Aikido is an efficient martial art, but definitely not the best. The best martial art I've take would be Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Bujinkan Ninjutsu). Aikido is effective for throwing the opponent away when you're fighting multiple attackers and need to keep them off. Ninjutsu is effective for fighting one person or a dozen people and you need to kill them all.

  6. Decide for your self.  

    Check out my website at

    Be sure to check the Aikido for Law Enforcement tab at the top of the page

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