
Do any of your birds know their name?

by  |  earlier

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i have a cockatiel named geoffrey. he will be cleaning the feathers on his back while i talk and he never shoots his head up unless i say "geoffrey" so i was wondering if any of your birds know their name or do something special when u say their name :]




  1. Actually, i have two budgies.

    One is coca and one is creamy.

    I call coca all sorts of name- "fatty  :D", "chubby", etc He responses most of the time by running to me.

    I call creamy "nini" and she seldom response. She only flies to me when i say her name.

    Larger birds tends to have higher intelligence.

  2. yea my bird can say her name

  3. I have 4 budgies, and none of them know their names. Larger birds though tend to be a lot smarter when it comes to stuff like that.

  4. ya I have 5 parrots and they all know there names...

  5. when i call my bird "green bean" (a quaker parrot), he will try to repeat exactly what i said lol.

  6. My cockatiel (Latrell) screams his name or gently chirps it.  It depends what he's doing and what mood he's in.  He also screams at my dog IZZY COME'ERE when he wants her over by him.  My bird sleeps on her and follows her around where ever she goes. He loves her. =]

  7. I think they do! My bird squawks and goes crazy when i say her name, she knows when my footsteps are coming up the stairs too and does the same. She's a bit crazy though, she enjoys pizza and chocolate. She looks so cute with tomato sauce around her beak :P

  8. yeah i used to have a bird named twinkie and he always responded to his name, but just like your bird he didnt respond to anything else

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