
Do any of your children have a disability? If so, which one?

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What do you think caused it? and what have you done to better their life? Was it vaccines? was it from birth?

My son is deaf and he's one.

Ive done research but yet have not been able to find any mothers that are going threw the same..Please help, if you know anything about deaf babies.

Ive searched and found allot but nothing is better than personal exp.

Thank you all!




  1. I'm deaf myself and I have 3 beautiful daughters (5, 3 and 6 weeks old) who are all deaf too.  In our case it is genetic as my husband is also deaf.  I can't say what the cause was in your case.

    I believe the best thing you can do is to treat the baby the same as before.  He can do anything he put his mind to.  My parents learnt sign language so that they could communicate with me fluently.  Being deaf has not stopped me from achieving what I want.  I have a Honours degree and have worked in management posts before becoming a teacher, teaching deaf children.  

    We sign with our children and they acquired language at a very early age, and their development is on a par with their non-deaf peers.  My eldest is in school (deaf signing school) and is doing very well.

    Being deaf is a huge part of who I am and I am very happy with life in general, apart from non-sleeping 3 year olds!

    I am in the UK and there is a great website about childhood deafness - http://www/  I hope this helps.


  2. My twin son Thomas pictured left has severe autism ..from birth in my opinion and in his gene's i don't blame anything for it ..its life and it happens and you cope as best as you can x

  3. my 11 yr old daughter has turner's caused by a missing X chromosome, it happens at conception and there is no reason why.. nothing to do with parents age etc..........

    obviously because it happens at conception she's always had it. she was diagnosed at birth as she had very swollen feet which is common in TS babies..

    the best thing  ever done was join a support group,that way she meets other girls with the condition so she does not feel like she's the only one with it. as a family we get practical help and support as to how best manage the condition.......Doctors can tell you facts but you get the best advice from other parents or those with the condition themselves............

    i hope you manage to get the help and support that we get x

  4. my daughter 13 has cerebral palsy left hemiplegia she is as able as any other girl her age she won a silver medal at rowing yesterday, to us it makes no difference at all. our son 14 has perthes disease which affects the hips and pelvis he acquired it at 10 yrs old his disability is a little more complex because he cannot do p.e at school. it feels lonely when you find your child has a disability contact your health visitor i am sure they can tell you of mother and baby clubs where you can meet other mums where you and your baby son can meet other people. good luck and love to you both, deb mum of three x*x

  5. While I don't consider it a "disability", our daughter was born with a wide unilateral cleft lip/palate.  It was discovered during one of my many ultrasounds (I was high-risk during my pgcies), at around 19 weeks along.

    It was just something that happened, there is no family history at all of cleft lip/palate.  Cleft lip/palate occurs in about 1/700 pregnancies.

    We met with the cleft team when I was about 8 months pregnant.

    Our daughter has undergone 7 surgeries so far, before the age of 5.  She just recently turned 6 years old, and will be needing quite a few more, the next major surgery will be performed when she's 8 (bone graft from her hip to the gumline).  I have to say, she was gorgeous at birth, she was always a beauty, we looked past the cleft and saw our baby gal.  Her surgeon has enhanced that beauty.  :)

    I wish your son all the best!  You are right, there is nothing better than personal experience.  After our daughter was born, we were having lunch out with her and our son, and a couple with two children approached us.  They began to talk to us, said that they knew exactly what we were going to be going through.  Their older son was born with a cleft lip/palate.  We became very good friends that evening!

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