
Do any of your dreams come true?? please comment....?

by Guest60412  |  earlier

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Do any of your dreams come true?? please comment....?




  1. yes, yes, and yes! let me tell u a story about my friend its TRUE! ok she had lost her doll thing and had a dream that she found it. then the next morning her dad found it where it was in her dream

  2. when i was younger i would often dream of things that i had never done before-my first plane ride, etc- i would never remember having the dream in the morning but i WOULD remember it when that event actually happened. i knew it because i had stared into the aisle between the rows of seats on the plane and i remembered doing that same thing in the dream

  3. i wish. then my excrush would ask me out. and we would hug forever. and then i would also be able to do a kartwheel off the gymnastics bars without using hands! yay me!

  4. i dreamt of places i've never been before and months or years later i happened to be there x 1st time of course

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