
Do any of your schools have this rule? Is in enforced?

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Ok, this is from the handbook of the school i'm going to.

*All physical contact is inappropriate.

*No public displays of affection.

I know the second one means like no making out and stuff, but WTF does the first one mean?!?!?




  1. No physical contact means--- no touching, keep your hands to yourself. No touching someone else to annoy them or pick on them. No pushing or shoving. And it also covers holding hands or boyfriend/ girlfriend touching in general. Some schools this is inforced.

  2. I'd guess it means physical contact like hand-holding, hugging maybe? Or maybe you misread it and it says 'No inappropriate physical contact.' We had the second one and it was enforced.

  3. ALL physical contact is inappropriate?

    It means touching anyone for any reason at all isn't allowed.

    Why would a school come up with a rule like that? What about things like Physical Education? How do you play sports like Rugby without touching anyone?

  4. it includes no fighting and hitting

  5. If there is "no physical contact" I would think that would include sports like wrestling, football, basketball, etc.  I think someone was trying to make sure all bases were covered.  But really, that is a little ridiculous.

  6. Haha--no, I never saw a rule like that in my school handbook.  Of course inappropriate contact such as fighting, excessive pda, etc. were disallowed, but to ban all physical contact seems a bit over the top in my opinion.

  7. They mean holding hands, high fives, and pretty much touching of any kind is grounds for punishment.  All it does is give them the leverage they need if they feel like something has gotten out of hand.

    As for enforcement, usually they just give gentle reminders "hey, no pda's"

  8. Physical contact, like hugging or kissing or so much as touching another person...

    Apparently your school doesn't want the students to be in any other persons bubble...they want you to keep the distance between yourself and the other students.

  9. like putting your hands in an innapropriate place on someone else

  10. my skool does that too!!!!

    the first one means no fighting....

    and wat my skool does is dey have teachers survey kids in the hall ways to make sure nothing is going on btw kids....


    if u get caught.... lunch detention!!!


  11. you cant touch each other

    LMAO, that is defo not enforced at my school. people are making out in the hallways and holding hands all the time, even though PDA is against school rules

  12. no hugging, holding hands, groping, etc;

    my school has those rules, but they aren't enforced.

  13. i guess they mean no holding hands, no hugging, and no aggresive phisical contact. like pushing, pulling, and/or punching. that rule is enforced at my school too. its kind-of a stupid rule but oh well. its for our safety. (like they really care about us!) :p hope i helped!!! and sense i helped you... maybe you could vote me as "Best Answer" and give me points please!!! i need them bad. im only on level 1 and need about 140 points to go on to level 2...

  14. My school has that rule, its no touching, no holding hands, no fighting. Basically anything physical. But the second one is really enforced, if its a small school teachers just break it up but they dont really care. Its high school, the "best" four years of your life. haaha

  15. they don't want you groping/humping each other.


    don't worry about it. im sure it's just in there to calm parents.

  16. The second one is, as you said, something to prevent any physically romantic gestures at your school. My school had this, as do many others, although the degree of enforcement varies widely.

    The first line is a clause to make sure they have something on the books against physical harassment (i.e. pushing, punching, any unwanted touching by someone else). Short this rule, it would be harder to suspend or take disciplinary action since the offender could say they didn't know it was against the rules. It is definitely a vague statement, but it's there not for normal physical contact (hugs, handshakes, etc) but really for UNWANTED physical contact.

  17. the first one means no hugging, no walking with hands held together, arm-over0shoulder, fighting, high-5 ing

    i know. my school has the same rules, but they arent enforced. im thinking because it would be way too hard to enfore becuase everybody does it,

  18. it means no punching slapping swatting hitting or slapping in the face with a fish

  19. It means that people need to keep their hands to themselves. As vague as that rule is, it could mean anything that isn't incidental (such as accidentally bumping into someone).

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