
Do any one know about eslam?

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why all pepole no noting about eslam




  1. Eslam what the heck is that?Is it some new religion?Keep me informed please.

    Oh by the way no is know.

    Noting is nothing.

    Eslam maybe Islam?.

    Pepole is people.

    Use your dictionary.

  2. What is eslam, do you mean islam? Do I care?

  3. (1)  I know a tiny bit. I lived in a Muslim country for five years.The reason I don`t know more is because my Muslim neighbors did not try to convert me every time they said hello.

    (2)Because most of us have a closed mind.

  4. It's Islam, not Eslam.  And there's a class in British schools called RE (Religious Education) that teaches about all religions, including Islam.

  5. I know it's spelled Islam. Do you know how to spell and form correct sentences? Man, what are "pepole?"

    Edit- To Mr. Un-Couth, he was aking about "eslam" not Islam. Jeeeeeeeeeeez, you'd think "pepole" could read.

  6. Jack elam was mostly an actor in westerns.

    we know elam.

  7. you're right I don't know anythign about "eslam".

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