
Do any one know what is chris brown id ?

by Guest56917  |  earlier

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please can u tell i has asked this question 1 time nobody answered so i am asking it again. and can u people give me star please!!!!




  1. maybe you should start paying attention in english class so you can learn how to form sentences. Then we'll understand you.

  2. oh no not him now!

    oh come on.


  3. I LOVE CHRIS BROWNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. that sounds kinda stalker-ish... why do you need his ID? it his private information..

  5. are you asking for his I D or his address cause if you are you hoavve no chance in h**l of get it and waych how you write cause i don't understand what you wrote and what your saying

  6. chris brown as in the singer?

    i'm sure if there was any chance that he used y?a he would not use his real particulars

    as for the star why not? =D

  7. hey kavya!

    i saw a site that said that it was

    though im not too sure...

    and hes with rihanna right now...shes ok i guess...

    and its up to kavya wether she wants to be a "stalker" or not so please dont give her mean comments like "get a life"

    and are u indian?? me 2! i <3 bollywood moviezz!

    love ya and cb!!

  8. even i want your yahoo id or phone number!

    where r u from?

    would you like to join me over the weekend for the party?

    intrested?  my id

  9. how the f*ck should we know what chris brown's id is? if nobody answered the first time, chances are, there not gonna answer the second time!

  10. maybe cause we don't understand your question.. ID? what do you mean by that?

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