
Do any other girls care if their man is circumsied or not?

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I was talking to my girlfriends the other night and just about all of us agreed that we much prefer a circumcised guy to an uncut guy. I was wondering what the girls on here think about this. Also, I have noticed that not all guys had it done the same way. Like some of them only had it done partially and others had all the skin removed so it's streamlined. Ladies, what is your preference, and guys (if you want to answer) what is yours like? Do you ever wish you were the other way than what you are?




  1. i like circumcised because if  they aren't their p***s gets disgusting because the flap collects everything and gets nasty.

    i know that they can take shower but that means that spontaneity  gets challenged. i'm sure you know what i mean by spontaneity.      

  2. icky uncircumcised is sick...because it supposedly gets really dirty if it isn't washed like super clean everyday...and you know how men are with showering

  3. I'm cut and glad about it :)  I watched a documentary about a month ago & it was about an experiment where an English man & woman weren't going to clean themselves at all for 6 weeks.  They just went about their normal business/lives (including sporting activities, etc) and didn't wash.  Anyway the guy was getting very sore down there & ended up having to see a doctor (he wasn't circumcised)...anyway first time I've ever really seen this 'd**k cheese' people call it.  I've NEVER had any sort of fermenting stuff build up on my junk and couldn't imagine it.  I know what they did was abnormal behaviour but still I see the forskin as just a tent under which leftover drips, etc can collect & effectively go off & become smelly.  I guess other blokes just need to be very senstive to this & powerhose up or pullback their f******n so it gets a dam good cleaning.

    P.S.  personally I was glad to see your preference & I was on the right side - phew ;)

  4. id rather have a circumcised guy i think it looks kinda icky if theyre not but its not a big issue where i wouldnt date a guy bc of it

  5. You girls are so ignorant. Men are supposed to have the skin. They were born with it. You no one was ever circumsized you wouldn't say it's "icky."

    Uncircumsized is just as good, if not better because your man gets more pleasure from your touch because he is intact. Almost no males are circumsized besides America so get with the real world.

    American society is seriously messed up, and I am American.

  6. I prefer uncircumcised.

    I know a man can't help being circumcised but I'd rather he wasn't.

    I suppose that's because you live in the US and I live in the UK. We tend to prefer it natural here and circumcision isn't very common.

    I like the f******n - including long ones, I find it s**y. While I find circumcised unsexy and unattractive, because to be honest to me they look scarred, unnatural and missing a part.

    And I like the slight scent of a man, rather than completely odour free. My boyfriend washes every day so he is perfectly clean. In fact, if I'm seeing him in the evening, I prefer it sometimes if he doesn't wash from the morning because I like his own personal smell - and neither he nor any other uncircumcised man I have ever been near has had 'cheese' when I went near them. God knows how long you'd have to leave it to get that.

    My uncircumcised boyfriend has never ever wished to be circumcised, but my circumcised friend tells me he wishes he could experience being natural.

    You've had plenty of answers on this on a number of occasions. why do you need to keep on asking?

  7. I prefer complete circumcision.  

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