
Do any other moms ever feel lonely, I have a 4 month old, and I am pregnant, my fiance works every day most of

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the time all day, from 6 to 11. He only has Sundays off. My family is all mostly busy with their own lives and never really have time to see me, and I have no friends around here. and sometimes I get lonely. Don't get me wrong I love being with my daughter, but i just feel alone sometimes. Maybe it's just because I am pregnant and emotional. Thought I'd see if any one else ever felt this way.




  1. I know how you feel I have 2 kids 39 weeks pregnant my husband goes to school from 8am to 130pm, then works from 2pm to 10pm. I'm being induced on monday so I'll be home with 3 kids for the next year. Maybe you and your husband could plan a date night once a week, you dont have to go outside the house just get some take out and rent a movie. I think that 1 of the most important thing that me and my husband do each day is when he gets home from work we each get time to talk and tell each other about our day and ask the other about theirs. But make sure you talk for at least 15-20 mins.

    Some of the best advice I have ever gotton on marriage is to be In Love with each other.

  2. The thing thats concering me the most about this is that you only have a 4 month old, and your pregnant already? Its not healthy for your body to have another kid RIGHT after you just had one, but I guess that was your choice =/

    Working nights seems like its hard, maybe talk to him about it, go on a trip or something to spark things up

  3. I have a four month old and I am NOT pregnant (thank goodness) and I know exactly how you feel. I have not been alone (without the baby, husband, or mom around) since the baby got here. I feel like nothing I do is productive for long, and I just moved so I don't know anyone. (I even take her for walks, and no one even says "hi"!)

    I am sure things will get better, since I am going to work in a month and I will start to get to know my neighbors :). Things will look up for you, too. Good luck.

  4. First of all, congrats on the new baby and the one on the way. I am not a mom but I was a nanny for 5 years and all the moms I worked for confided in me a lot. You are not alone. So many moms feel the way you do and it's not just from hormones or emotions - it's very natural. My advice is to try to get out of the house more and maybe join or start a mommy group so you can spend time with other parents. Also, get a nanny or sitter. I guarantee if you have someone come over just once or twice a week for a couple of hours, you will feel much happier. A tiny bit of alone time will do wonders. And I truly feel that children who have a regular nanny or sitter are much more well adjusted and social than children who are only around their parents. If you're worried about finding a nice person to watch your baby, try your local colleges. A lot of them have job hotlines and you can post an ad for a sitter. I worked for a couple of families who would have me come over and hang out a couple of times before they left me alone with their kids. That way they could get a feel for my nanny abilities. Good Luck! Stay at home moms need a break sometimes too!

  5. we moved in with my inlaws when my son was 2 weeks old, haven't met anyone here yet (he's 11 months now) and i go stir crazy, i was hoping when he got older i could actually participate in activities with a local mom's club but now that i am pregnant again (twins this time) i feel like i am going to be chained to the house,... makes me want to scream

  6. nope youre missing adult interactions, while baby is great, you cant really talk to her that much, she doesnt understand. i used to call my mom at work, my ex everyone, i feel your pain. get a part time job.. money and some adults!

  7. I have a 3 month old and her dad and I are no longer together. I understand getting lonely. And I cant imagine being pregnant right now. Maybe try meeting other moms. I know in my area they have parent resource centers that are helpful. Get involved with the YMCA or Health works. Hope this helps!

  8. I go through periods of loneliness all the time.  My son is two now and they still come and go.  My husband works and also attends school full time.  I find that it helps when you reach out to other moms to meet up with (ie: library story time, church play group, etc.).  I think it also helps to hold onto hobbies of your own.  For example I like sewing and sometimes sign up for classes which get me out of the house and restore a sense of self that sometimes goes missing.  Best of luck, you're not alone!

  9. I'm a stay-at-home mother of 4, and while I have close connections with a lot of friends and family, I feel lonely often.  It's hard when you spend the majority of your time with children who cannot relate to you on your level because you can't discuss fears, anxieties, or even joys associated with adulthood with them.  Every mom needs time with other adults away from kids.

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