
Do any other moms not enjoy breastfeeding?

by Guest61158  |  earlier

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I'll probably get some negative comments for this, but I'm just being honest. I love my girls to death (I have a 3 yr. old and 8 week old) but breastfeeding has been a challenge. Our first daughter I breastfed for 5 months and she was always a fussy baby until she went to hypoallergenic formula. I was proud that I breastfed for as long as I did considering the circumstances. Our second baby girl is also fussy. I've changed my diet and cut out dairy, and tried to slowly add a few things back in like last night I had mashed potatoes...well, my 8 week old has a diaper rash today and has been more fussy than usual. I just feel drained and exhausted. I eat very blan foods and I feel like I'm nursing around the clock. I don't like pumping bottles so I can't really go anywhere for longer than 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. and I live 35 minutes away from a big city so by the time I get into town I have less than an hour to do my shopping. We've taken our newborn out a few times but she gets fussy and I feel like it's from my breastmilk because she'll kick her little legs and scream and pass gas and her belly feels tense at times. I just feel guilty because I want her to be a happy baby....anyone else not enjoy breastfeeding?




  1. I am sure that there are some on here who would consider me a breastfeeding "n**i", and I am passionate about it for sure, but I actually don't love every single minute of it either. I am currently nursing a two-year old (who has really been a more frequent nurser since little brother came alone) as well as a nine-month old. Sometimes I feel like all I do day and night is nurse. Don't get me wrong, I do love most aspects of nursing, but sometimes it feels like overload having a baby/toddler stuck to me constantly.

    Obviously you know the health benefits of continuing to nurse, but only you can evaluate your personal situation. I know that ALL of my kids had digestive issues until about 3-4 months, at which point, they completely went away. So, you could try to wait a month or so to see if the stomach issues improve. It might simply be normal newborn stomach problems rather than something in your diet. You could also give her formula rather than pumped milk just for those times when you need to be away for a bit longer. You would still be nursing the vast majority of time, but you might not feel so tied down. Those are just some suggestions.

    As I said, I am very passionate about advocating the health benefits of breastfeeding. But I am sympathetic to the fact that life circumstances play a part in a woman's decision to do it. I can say that it definitely gets a bit easier the longer you go, but as I said before, you need to evaluate your own personal situation.

    Good luck.

  2. i didnt enjoy nursing either... i just got to where i'd pump bottles, and feed my son. in my opinion pumping was a better option for me, i had sooo much milk that pumping made me feel better as well. i'd pump the breast milk and freeze it or refrigerate it until my baby was ready to drink it. it was a life saver for me!

  3. I went through the same thing with my baby boy. I wanted to breast feed because its good for them but he was too fussy and wouldn't cooperate. Plus I was going crazy been inside all d**n day. I had to give up to stay sane.Don't listen to anyone and their negative comments. Everyone's situation is different so do what makes you and your baby happy.

  4. I have a 3 1/2 month old daughter and she also is very fussy on breastmilk, gets loads of gas, I've changed my diet etc etc

    I'm at my wits end as she needs to feed every 2 hours, doesn't take much in, but then I never have enough, all I do is nurse

    It is so boring

    Could you do half formula, half breast?

    I say that, as I am considering this myself, but my supply is so crappy that I am concerned if I cut down to this, it will disappear completely

    Urgh! If only it was easier and baby was happier

    I feel for you

    I also don't like pumping - I do it from time to time to keep my supply up, but it's never enough to keep her going longer than a couple of hours

    I am torn in two as I love seeing her happy face when she is about to start feeding, but on the other hand, I'd love to sleep more at night and would love to have some life back!

    Good luck with whatever you decide :)

  5. Do what is best for you and dont feel guilty about it .  

    I have been off most foods and eating very bland for almost 5 months now, my baby is the same but at around 4 months I could introduce them foods back very slowly but have cut them out again as to scared to upset little man .   It sounds like you want to stop but looking for someone to encourage you or something, its your choice as a mother you do whats best for your family

    good luck  

  6. I didn't enjoy it for the first few months...but eventually, I got use to it. Now it's a breeze :-)

  7. I'm sorry you are having a tough time.  I do not hate breastfeeding now, but I did in the beginning.  It was very painful for me and I had a bit of bleeding.  I also had a very fussy baby for awhile.  She has gotten better, but for about a month or so, it was a nightmare.  Nothing I did to my diet helped.  She had gas and cried and cried.  It was very hard.  I do not blame you if you decide to start doing formula.  It may just be your baby though, not your milk.  You are still a good mother even if you don't continue breastfeeding.  Good job for doing it this long and even trying.  

    good luck!  

  8. I'll be honest with you. I told myself just to make it through the next feed for the first 2 months. I had flat nipples and did not realize it until my nipples were cracked. After they healed up my son and I passed thrush back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. It eventually got better and soon he was able to go more than 2 hours between feedings. Its funny, because I worked as a nutritionist, knew what to look for and still had problems breastfeeding in the beginning.

    I ended up nursing him a little over 2 years, despite all of the problems we had in the beginning. I eventually enjoyed the nursing sessions and was sad when he finally weaned.

    Have you talked with anyone from la leche league or an internationally certified breastfeeding lactation consultant (ICBLC)? They can help you through this rough time. I also want to ask if you have tried just nursing on one side for a couple of feedings before switching to the other breast? With all of the gas, she may not be getting adequate hind milk.

    Let her start and end the feedings and nurse her on the same side for 2 or 3 feedings before putting her to the other side. You will have to pump the other side out to keep from getting engorged. This may help.

    If you have a sling I would highly recommend to use it. Most slings you can breastfeed discreetly when you are out and about, that may help with the time constraints.

    Many blessings to you and your family.  I hope you are able to continue and receive the support you need to continue.

  9. can't say i dont - i really enjoy it and im so sorry to hear about your story; i do hear it from others that its just not enjoyable when you have a fussy eater

    just do what you think is right; dont let anyone tell you whats best; because you are the mother and you know whats best


    hope eveythng works out.

  10. Breastfeeding was really hard for me.  I cried about it every day for the first 3 weeks of my pregnancy.  I had low supply, then the baby and I got thrush (it lasted 7 weeks with him!!),  which made him scream when he breastfed and eventually refuse until the thrush got a little better.  because I had to supplement due to my supply and the refusal of the baby to BF during the height of the thrush, he got nipple confusion and I ended up exclusively pumping.  I got to 6 weeks and then stopped slowly- I needed to take care of the baby, and couldn't really do that when I was pumping 7-8 times a day.  Breastfeeding is the best way to go but it doesn't work for everyone.  It is your choice and you shouldn't be made to feel guilt about it by the BF n***s.

  11. It is suggested to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months. Of course that applies if it's ok with the mom.

    I breastfed for 11 months but I struggled the first 2 months. I'm proud of myself that I did it, but if it's not working for you then maybe you should stop. I think you baby will be a healthy baby even if she gets formula instead of breastmilk. She'll see you happy and will enjoy your company more and maybe be less fussy.

  12. its just sacrafices us moms have to go through. just remember that its not forever. this is temp. and we all know that nothing else will ever compare to breastmilk! good luck.

  13. I agree with everything Shannon S said and I had a similar experience. I did not enjoy breastfeeding at all. We made the switch to formula and we are ALL happy and thriving. When mom is miserable, it's hard to take care of one baby, let alone another child. Could I have tried harder? Sure. But I have no guilt about my decision whatsoever, because when I was breastfeeding, this household was not a peaceful household and every member of it was suffering.

    Why won't you nurse while you're out? Does it just make you uncomfortable? It's OK if it does, but just know that you have the right to feed your child anywhere that you need to. Your state laws should have more specific language covering nursing in public rights. It really bothers me that there is such a negative stigma attached to NIP. A baby has to eat and I don't give a c**p who else it makes uncomfortable. They don't have to look.  

  14. I hear ya. dont get me wrong either. I love my baby girl to death too and i breastfeed her as well, but, seriously, it can be a little irritating at 2 am when you're half asleep and dog tired! I mean, theres nothing worse when you want to get comfortable at night, and you can only be in one position with the baby. i know how you feel but it's also the best thing us women could ever do for our babies. hang in there!

  15. it sounds like you need a good support system. big (( )) hugs for you. you are only human and parenting can be very trying at times. good for you for doing whats best for your babies. let me say it does get easier with you have any friends or family who are willing to sit for a few hours. pump out a bottle for the baby. just so you can get out at least once. i hope things get better for you. you sound like a very giving mother.

  16. Talk to a lactation consultant.

  17. You have to do what is best for your family, and if thats not breast-feeding so be it.  But its great you are trying!!  I myself did not like it at all, was very uncomfortable with the whole thing.  So I did not breast-feed.  

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