
Do any other mums with small baby's suffer separation anxiety!?

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Ive got a 4 and a half month old and i don't even like leaving her in a different room to me. The only person i would leave her with (done it 3 times) is my mum. Its my second child (other is 9) and i wasn't like this with my eldest at all. I just don't get it!?? Ain't you meant to be like this with your 1st not your 2nd!?




  1. oh yeah- i was  terrified to leave my baby with anyone and i watched her chest like a hawk to see if she's breathing. now she's 9 months and i'm okay and she's the one with the separation anxiety. lol

  2. I'm a very practical person and still suffer from this.  The first time I left my baby I worried the whole time - stuffed my meal down me and rushed home!  Also health professionals have me scared stiff about cot death and I have to resist getting up in the middle of the night to check my baby.  I keep reminding myself that I don't drink, smoke, she is in a sleeping bag and she sleeps on her back in her cot.  What more can I do?!

  3. I felt that way for so long! Because he would always be with me, it would be awkward to leave without him. I think I got over it after a few times of running to the store and having MIL watch him.

    But now I am feeling it again because he will be 4 months in 3 days and my inlaws and parents keep sneaking food to him and now I feel like I cant leave anyone alone w/him. My own mother slipped him a french fry right next to me! A french fry!

    I think I check if he's breathing every now and then. I read that 90% of SIDS occur between 2-6 months so 2 more months and I might relax on that!

  4. You're sooo not alone on this!  I freak out not having my daughter in view, I feel like I've lost a limb if I do have to go out and constantly harrass the baby sitter on the very very rare occasion that I have gone out (she's 9 months and I've only left her twice!).  With my First born I suffered from postnatal depression which made it so hard for me to bond and made me feel terrible that I didn't feel overwhelmed when I left him with some one for the first time.  As for the fear of cot death, I wake up at night to go check on her to make sure she's ok, I think it's a protecting instinct that some times a lot stronger in some mothers but always a fear for every parent.

  5. im like you also,i hate being away from my girl who is 18 weeks old..i dont let her dad take her out because im scared something will happen...and as for cot death girl is in a fab routine and goes to bed at 7pm only problem is im sooo afraid of it i also go up at 7pm and read a book instead of sitting with my partner...hopefully i will get better soon.

    EDIT-JEN M thats soo cute made a tear come to my eye...i did that the other day my partner took her for a walk whilst i got the cleaning done,i cried when they left..i rang him 5times and when she got home i acted as though shed been gone for 20years not

  6. I was a miracle baby after my parents lost 2 sons. They were so frantic around me! I know my dad used to sleep with his hand on my chest for the first few weeks after I was born to make sure I was still breathing!

  7. I'm the same, I haven't left her with anybody so far, (9 weeks) and I'm terrified of going back to work because I'll have to leave her with my mil. Not that I don't trust her or anything, well, maybe I don't!

    My partner took the baby out a short trip in the car to return something to a store, as soon as I looked out of the window and saw him putting her into the car I started crying, I was jittery and nervous until they got home.

    I love her soooo much it hurts, I can't imagine ever leaving her, but I know I'll have to.

  8. oh god yes

    i get real bad even when someone is holding my daughter and she starts to cry i have to get up and settle her myself - i dont even like leaving my baby for 2 minutes while im in the loo. i wont let anyone else watch her while im not there, but i think its normal for some mothers.  

  9. I am back at work with a 3-month old and it's hard.  Thank god my husband made a website for him that includes little video segments if I am really missing him.  I also moved him to the crib at night at 10 weeks.  he is now almost 14 weeks and I still miss him being in my room at night so much, I check on him at least twice a night!  I joke that he sleeps through the night but I don't.

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