
Do any other species other than Humans feel feelings of love or is it just natural mating???

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Do any other species other than Humans feel feelings of love or is it just natural mating???




  1. i don't think so, humans are the only ones who tend to be in love or lust, and have s*x for pleasure.... in other animals s*x is only  for breeding... BUT IT COULD BE POSSIBLE!

  2. I think single mate species (parrots, penguins) may have a precurser to love.

  3. Yes. See attached. Chimpanzees (although there is an argument that Homo Sapiens is just a species of Chimpanzee).

  4. All the species other than  humans got feeling of love and natural mating such as reptiles, birds, animals. They express love and even having their mating time.

  5. Yes, probably just about every species except humans.

  6. well they say that the Bawl Eagle in North America mate for love so i believe in other species there is such a thing of love

  7. Porpoise undoubtedly do. Highly intelligent and social, whales and elephants as well. Many apes and monkeys.

  8. Perhaps you should ask Dr. Doolittle!  He can find the answer for you.

  9. I don't know about love but several species of monkey and Dolphin etc have s*x for well as mating for life. I don't think animals have divorce courts either!!

  10. my friend told me just last week that the only mammals that m8 for pleasure are humans and dolphins.

    how bizarre when apes are closer genetically

  11. It is said that swans mate for life and that when one of them dies, the other flies as high as possible and then folds its wings and drops to the ground to join its mate in death. Maybe that is love too.

  12. Clever question, i suppose when you look at the make up of life and all its creatures, love of the type you mean, must be a common bond,

    has some birds are actually said to die of a broken heart, when their partner has died.

    mating is purely the continuation of species / natural has anything else.

    But Love. is a whole different sphere.

    And i would go for saying Yes it Must exist in most species.

    there would be to many examples to list here.

  13. I believe that the animal world is a different world when compared to the human world. Do we have enough knowledge in animal communication system so that can we judge their character and temperament? Aren't we acting ethnocentristicly and with some ego centrism in our judgements?

  14. Love is an illusion thought up to disguise our basic animal nature. Every 28-35 day's the women come in to heat same as an other mammal.

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