in case you havent seen them, there are shirts that say 'i love boobies!' and 'save the tatas!' that are out. they are promoting the awareness of breast cancer. but....why dont they say 'save the women!' or 'i love women!' or something like that. i mean...yeah, its BREAST cancer, but still....there is more to women than b***s! breast cancer is serious and not meant to be funny!
dont get me wrong though, if i see someone wear a shirt with an offensive slogan, i dont say anything. but deep down it bothers me. i know people who have both suffered, but lived, and who have died from breast cancer. its no laughing matter. and i find those shirts offensive. it also makes women who have to get their b*****s cut off (i forgot what its called! sorry!) more self conscious because you have people wearing shirts saying 'i love boobies!' and they dont have any. idk...what do you guys think?