
Do any people know if vollyball is a good sport and if i can do it?

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Do any people know if vollyball is a good sport and if i can do it?




  1. Volleybal is an AWSOME SPORT

  2. Its A LOT of fun [to me;D] Some people HATE it...if you are tall and have a lot of arm strength you would be PERFECT! I hop you try it out....if you dont like it then quit...but im sure you would <3 it.

    best of luck!

  3. its a lot of fun.

  4. volleyball is a good sport but i don't know if you can do it. well what i mean is that everyone is different and not everyone is cut out for volleyball. but you can do it if you put your mind to it.

  5. volleyball is awesome!!!!! You can but it will be a challenge, just dont give up

  6. I have played volleyball for a long time! I think it is an awsome sport. It takes some skill, but you can pick that skill up in like 2 weeks! When I first started I sucked to be honest, but I worked at it for a whole season, and now I am the star player for my high school team! I am sure you will love volleyball, and it is an easy enough sport to learn! Good luck!

  7. Great sport You can do anything if you put your heart and mind into it

  8. its a good sport! U should do it!

  9. Volleyball is a great sport.  Try playing it with friends to see if you like it before you join a team.  Sometimes your local rec center will offer classes on Volleyball.  What I love about it?  You can play it in your backyard, the pool, even on the beach!  Its a blast and gives you a great workout!

  10. it is a fun sport.

  11. Volleyball is the BEST sport ever created. I don't know you, so I don't know if it's for you, but you should always give it a shot! It's super fun and it's my favorite thing in the world! You have to have a lot of endurance and strength, and you've got to have heart, and be a hard and dedicated worker. <: Volleyball is tough, but it's so worth it.

  12. Hey,

      Anyone could do it, short, tall even as skinny as a twig. As long as you put hard work into it I think you'll do okay!

  13. It's a wonderful sport, I've been playing it since I was 11. Of coarse you can do it.

  14. Volleyball is a very great sport! It's very easy to learn once you get the hang of the rules and it's best to start at home by buying a volleyball, looking up information on the computers and if you know someone that plays volleyball ask them to give you tips and show you what you are supposed to do. Volleyball is 97% mental and the other 3% is in your skills. Just pratice the basic moves and you will be on your way to being a great player.

  15. its an awsome sport!!! Im a 4 year varsity player and its great. You have to be an agressive GIRL ( no wimps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to play and be willing to learn and work. u have to be athletic

  16. really fun!

    best sport ever!

  17. Volleyball is a very good sport! Well it depends on if u want 2 or not, B/c if u dont wanna play then u probably shouldnt. But if u really are into volleyball but nervous that ur friends will laugh at u? then if they do they arent real friends. So if u like it jump right in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. hey volleyball is a great sport as long as you play sports then you'll be good

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