
Do any psychics have any idea wether the Maddie McCann case will ever be solved or not?

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Do any psychics have any idea wether the Maddie McCann case will ever be solved or not?




  1. I don't know, but if Carlsberg were psychics, they would have had it all sewn up ages ago...

  2. The Mcanns asked top Physhcic Shaun Dennis to help them find Maddy.  

  3. Psychics only know what is given to them. It's not like it's stored in their brains. I imagine they also have questions...wondering if the spirits will answer them and if they don't they wonder why they don't answer. Of course the ones who do answer them might not be telling the truth. I don't think all spirits know and see everything.  

  4. No idea at all.That won't stop them from blathering on about it.Once it's solved they'll even be a few taking credit.

  5. What on earth would be the point in employing a psychic? If the police, people who use real evidence and logic to solve cases are unsuccessful, what makes you think a crackpot can do any better?

  6. Parents did it but just like the OJ Simpson case- money can buy you anything!~

  7. It certainly showed how ineffective prayer is, millions of people from all nations prayed for that little girl's safe return.

  8. Everything has an answer and can be solved, its just how?

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