
Do any sardines have claustrophobia?

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Should cans be larger, if such is the case?




  1. Cans shouldn't be larger, but we should offer the sardines psychological counseling. You know, before we eat them.

  2. Yes and they hate tomato sauce......

  3. ALL sardines are claustrophic. Yep. We pack em all tightly together in a little teeny can just to torture their poor little souls. Wonder if theyll ever come back to haunt us . . . like an army of angry sardine ghosts chasing people around && stickin us in packages && eating us =]

  4.   Only one in a hundred billion.

  5. are you 4real?

  6. Rofl lol lol lmao

    That sounds like a cartoon. "Scotty the Claustrophobic Sardine". rofl

  7. naw more of them make em even more claustrophobic

    answer my quesion people please its about racism

  8. HELLO! yes, this is daniel from the PETOSAOCFAA(People for the Equal Treatment Of Sardines And Other Canned Animals Association) we here at PETOSAOCFAA believe there are many canned animals that are cruelly put into small spaces packed with fellow of their species whilst suffering from severe problems such as claustrophobia, fear of the dark, trisca-decaphobia(and are packed in cans with 13 mates).

    there are many protests about the size, lighting and amount packed in cans held rather frequently in front of packing plants, and we often rush through supermarkets freeing as many of these animals as possible all over the floors, if you would like to be more involved in our cause please contact us at any contributions are greatly appreciated!

    (haha this was fun)

  9. As sardines in a can are already dead....I very much doubt they suffer from claustrophobia....or any other emotional problems, for that matter!!!  

  10. LOL i dont think so...

    maybe they should undergo a phsycologycal counseling before before putting in the cans...

  11. Well as a Spokesperson for my pet sardine, Marmaduke, I would have to say that he does not like being shoved into a tin with his brethren. I mean think about sleeping on a single bed with 6 other people; not only is it very warm but it turns into a battle zone after a while because everyone wants the duvet (or tomato sauce in Marmaduke's case). It would be so much nicer in a king-size bed!  Sardines are generally peace loving creatures but if packed together for too long some serious tail-smacking starts! There's too much fin inside the tin! Really more people should speak up for the sardines and their plight, poor fishy-wishies. I remeber when I was a sardine and I was packed in a tin..... I didn't even get to choose who my tin-mates were! One was allergic to the tomato sauce and kept sneezing... very unsanitary. We had to escape by using his sneezes to blow off the lid and had to hail a cab to get back to the sea. Do you any idea how hard it is to get a taxi drivers attention when you're only a couple of inches high? We had to stand on each other... and then the cats kept coming to attack us! We lost two good sardines that day. But we got back to the sea and swam free until that darn seagull got us....  

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