
Do any stores sell surf watches anymore?

by Guest10813  |  earlier

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surf watches being those elastic extremly small waterproof watches that cost about 5 dollars or whatever

STOREEEE, if you just know an internet sight then dont bother




  1. If you are looking for waterproof, inexpensive watches you can try any store like Target, Walmart etc. Quiksilver is sold at Macy's and, the Quiksilver stores in the mall. They carry the "surf" watches. Hope this helps!

  2. again i don't know what you mean by surf watchs,  but they sell tide watchs that have like 10 years of the tides in them??????

    hope it helped

  3. go to amazon or any large clothing store Macys Kohls ect  they always carry them

  4. I bought a "surf watch" from Wal-Mart recently for only $8.  It's handy.

  5. I don't really know what you call a "surf watch" lots of surf shops sell watches (some of 'em sell more clothes and watches that they do surfboards). I wear a dive watch that I bought in a "dive shop".

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