
Do anybody here know it for a fact that you were really an unwanted zygot/cluster of cells/fetal life/infant?

by  |  earlier

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/toddler/pre-teen/teen/adult/aged person?

Are you still unwanted?

and are you pro-life or pro-abortion?




  1. I was unwanted up until I was an adult, now I'm still unwanted by my mother and my father is trying to make up for the mistakes he made in the past.

    I'm pro-choice (I don't think anyone is really pro-abortion)

  2. You're looking for an angle; ha - it won't work -Yes I was definitely unwanted; only they didn't have the guts to be honest.  How I found out about my mom was the time my very own sister was ripping me to shreds with my personal life; here was I thinking mom's going to sort her out. Oh was I ever wrong mom was helping her all the way.  It might have been better had mom been able to abort me eh?  Plus mom was a dab hand at mental abuse that same sister was allowed to date at 11; had a 16-17 yr-old bf to boot' when at 14 I didn't dare touch a boy.**Shall we talk about my dad. He had his new wife, mom and dad divorced when I was going on 7, tell me; while he sat right there that they were moving to Arizona and no one would hear from or see them again. So here I was thinking I would be doing my older brother a favor by telling him their plans; it turned out they included him in his plans; in other words dad had just told me to KHA.  Sure in the h**l tears a person apart to find out these things - practically destroyed me - I spent weeks doing nothing but cry till finally one day I said the freakin h**l with it!!!  I got married  had five kids; all of whom are wanted; in other words I wasn't going to bow down to a cop-out.  After all of that here is where I stand: I'm totally against abortions.  Except in cases of severe trauma, brutal rape and deadly disease.  No, I do not agree with spread legs at will and "oh I wasn't expecting that - okay ...." yank it out.  That's a cop out.

  3. Its called an "embryo".

    And yes, I am pro-choice.

    *I know I was and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy; nobody deserves to be treated so cruelly.  Better not to have been born at all.  I'm just as wanted now as I was then.

    *That's special :)

    I have no relatives.  

    Well actually I DO but they don't want me either.  So really, I don't have relatives.

    If you were really unwanted you would have known it.

    So spare us the rants: everybody needs to do what they need to do.  Its none of your business, it doesn't affect you in any way.

  4. I prefer to say I was unplanned.

    But I was wanted.

  5. I was planned out quite a bit, and family members have confirmed this.

    I feel wanted still.

    I'm pro-choice.

  6. i am pro life all the freakin way!!

  7. nobody is proabortion

    prolife people are not at all prolife because they dont care at all about the kid once it is born...this is correct when you look at the lack of education, healthcare and other things

  8. My parents are prochoice but they still wanted me.

    I feel unwanted though anyway.

    Im probably only prochoice in the sense that if it harms your health or you were raped, or your like 0-15 sure. Any other reasons, (oops i was stupid enough not to be on the contraceptive or whatever) you should know better.

  9. YES I know for sure I was NOT wanted my mom and dad tell me this all the time  and YES I am still unwanted.

    My views are MY views and I will keep them to myself.

    And I do have a 2 year old Daughter who is my life and she is wanted and LOVED by ME.

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