
Do anybody know any health insurance plans that has a ##Question_Title## deductible??????

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Hello I am looking for a good health insurance plan and also a good dental plan that offers a $0 deductible that will offer good benefits to the patient.




  1. Call your agent and ask , for individual plans most of them has deductible. But some of them only has 100 or 250 dollar deductible. If you are single , just worry about the Individual deductible. There are some who doesnt have , but you might be paying high premiums. And there are a lot of policies now. Go for HMO i prefer that, but always get an authorization ok.

  2. Yes, this company does have $0 deductible plan for health and dental insurance. It operates in the state of California, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, North and South Carolina.

  3. OK, I've never seen a dental plan with no deductible, that pays out more than it takes in.

    Health insurance, you're pretty much looking at an HMO for zero deductible - but which one?  See, they're different for each state.  You need to talk to a local, independent agent, for a plan in YOUR STATE.

  4. I work for a health insurance company...are you talking about an individual policy?  If you are it is unlikely you will find one without an annual deductible...but think about it this way...many company's offer high deductible plans to keep premium costs down.  If you do find one, then the premium will be pretty high.  Many times you can add a dental portion to your medical policies usually have a dollar amount per year that you are allowed...then you begin to pay.

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