
Do anybody know how to stop it raining?

by Guest44747  |  earlier

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I am fed up with rain everyday




  1. scientists can

  2. move country. i suggest Australia  

  3. No i wish i did because i would be a billionaire x*x

  4. Well . . . . although I think you already know the answer . . . .

    One could consider moving to the Sahara.

    Or some such arid climate.

  5. Stand under an umberella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh...

    Sorry I couldn't resist that (god knows why, I don't like the song >.<)

    Yep, I'm sick of the rain too!


  7. Water is essential to all living organisms including humans.

    It is the SUN that provides the evaporation of water from seas. lakes and rivers to form clouds which rise , cool and condense to form rain.

    This rain then flows down the rivers to the sea and the whole cycle repeats itself.  YOU nor anyone else can stop this unles you wish to die.

    You tell the contributors here how you would stop the sun from shining.

  8. Recite this 100 times:

    The rain it raineth every day

    Upon the just and unjust fella

    But mostly on the just because

    The unjust hath the just's umbrella

  9. Try the nursery rhyme another answerer suggested. Here's the full version:

    Rain Rain go Away poem

    Rain rain go away,

    Come again another day.

    Little Johnny wants to play;

    Rain, rain, go to Spain,

    Never show your face again!

    Good luck! Other than that, I can only suggest you either move or build yourself a time machine and zap yourself to a time when scientists have learnt to control the weather.

  10. rain dance

  11. Move to a different country where it doesn't rain as frequently.

  12. Sing the song that makes rain go away.

    Rain, rain go away come back another day

    and than theres another part but I forgot XD

    but, it might hold off the rain for a few minutes.

  13. send all of earth's water to outer space (except for a small amount required for drinking, flushing...which is recycled).  This means that the sun can no longer evaporate the water from sea reducing rainfall.

  14. The only answer is to go to a place were it never rains, abroad some were nice and hot, the sun shining, blue skies sand, sea as blue as can be. Can I carry on dreaming!

  15. sorry but only people who has study the weather for years can tell but besides that its almost impossible

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