
Do anybody like these gas price?

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Do anybody like these gas price?




  1. NO!

  2. i dont like them, but whats a person to do?, those big oil companies know if you drive, you will pay the price.

  3. Gasoline is subsidized directly, and indirectly through the cost of war and healthcare.  This means it costs way more than you pay at the station.  Though people still choose to not realize this, if it's expensive enough (even with the subsidies), there will be a similar good effect:

    dependence reduction

    On the bad side, the public treasury has been raided, private individuals and businesses are being fleeced, gangsters in corporate attire are playing the 'blame game' (and scheming to steal more), terrorists are being funded, and society is unstable.

    so..... I mostly don't like them, but I can see a positive side.  I would have liked an alternative fuel vehicle 10 years ago, and it looks like within a few years, if I'm lucky, I'll be riding in one.

  4. I don't believe anyone in the US and all of the oil importing countries like them though I imagine Hugo Chavez and Ahmedinejad don't have any problem with it.  That is the greatest shame, sending our money to some of our greatest enemies.

  5. yeah the towel heads

  6. no

  7. I love how far people go to be racist. First off, the U.S. doesn't trade oil with Hugo Chavez, in fact, when he sent diesel for heating homes in the Bronx, NY, the U.S. almost turned the ships back to Venezuela. Second, the 'towel heads' you speak so lowly of insist that oil shouldn't be more than 60 dollars a barrel. The reason oil is the price it is now is because of the good ol' americans working on wallstreet, who can't find any other way to make money than to start a panic and cause oil prices to soar.

  8. i do because it forces us to make changes.  For example, I do not like large SUV on the road driven by little soccer moms obstructing my views and driving carelessly as if they are invincible in their TANKS.  Higher prices=less SUVS.  Additionally, higher fuel prices force us to seek alternate sources of energy=less reliance on the Middle East.  

    Think about the positive changes that will come of it.  It hurts in the beginning but will result in positive outcomes.

  9. Who does?

    And by the way,the government is just scamming us.Oil is a natural resourse.They can drill more holes,but they decided not to.And the ethenal that they put in gas,is useless,the ethenal burns oil faster,so we can buy gas faster!

  10. can you imagine anyone who does? obviously the big buisness owners are...who knows, maybe it's the war or some conspiracy....i usually don't listen to what the news has to say about it because they own those programs too. i hear that water could be an alternative, but i haven't seen it in commercials or anything.  but then that'll just lead to wars over claiming the 7 seas, (sigh)

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