
Do anyone do love curses any wiccans ?

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Do anyone do love curses any wiccans ?




  1. This is a dangerous area. Not because you are messing with magic, that's fun. It is because your end results will be shattering. I have been 100% successful in this area and have turned away from it several years ago.

    In love, if it does not occur naturally then it will begin to warp. You will get the love but it will leave you wanting to get away from it. Either the one you cast it on will become crazy while they are with you or you will realize that there is a reason why it did not work without magic.

    After all that then you have to deal with the wiccan karmic law. Love magic is one that I try to stay away from. If its just lust then use seduction oil or something, but don't create a magic connection with someone that you will eventually end up wanting to run away from.

  2. No, I would never curse anyone or anything on purpose.

  3. I dont partake in that hogwash.

  4. answer: No and the only curses I know of are ignorant types who email death threats with misspelled words and wannabe gangster talk.

    Those are about as effective as "Love curses" or "Love spells" - in other words (for those unintelligent types) they don't work.

    answer: sorry, no one who works ethical magic and looks at themselves in the mirror isn't going to help you.  Why should someone risk their own karma and risk negative energy in their life for a stranger who doesn't know better?

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