
Do anyone know where I may find a math tutor or even a on-line kinda thing?

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Do anyone know where I may find a math tutor or even a on-line kinda thing?




  1. Try

  2. Local colleges are a good place to find math tutors.  There are normally signs up all over campus.  Or take up omlick on her offer!

  3. no don't know of any tutor but there is a math program called Maths Power, its an excellent program  they've got a lesson u have to watch, then u do a work sheet & if u get 90 percent or more then u can move on to the next lesson if u get less then 90 percent then u will have 2 do the lesson again until u get 90 percent or more, the parents make a password so only they can enter the answers & score, the student gets a prize after completing half the lesson & another when the whole year is complete, they also have a tutor you can call up if you get stuck on something. my 5 yr old 7yr old &11yr old does the program, my 11 yr old hates math but since she got this program she has been loving it, she also use to have alot of mistakes in math but now she gets 100 percent! they have from yrs K-12 its $200 for primary school & $400 for high school but that's because they sell 2 together (eg: 7&8, 9&10, 11&12) for more info visit MAKE SURE U PUT IN .AU OR A DIFERENT SITE WILL COME UP, lots of people use to have VERY LOW marks, & now have VERY HIGH marks.

    they also have science power for high school & are working on English power for primary & high school.

    hope i helped!

  4. Math Help Links:

  5. I can tutor you in math online.  Let me know your details, what math are you studying and what difficulties you are having.

    I have an M.S. in mathematics and can tutor through most of college level math (with the excpetion of number theory, because I did not study that very deeply, but know it at an elementary level.)

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