
Do anyone of you or your friend go to any of the Ivy League?

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I just want to know how you could actually get into an ivy league college. Cuz i desperatly want to get in, especially when my parents want me to go . Could you tell me how you should do in hs. Like what is the secret to it?




  1. yeah i have some

    i'm gonna be a senior this year so we'll see how i fare... honestly i don't think you should stress about it.. yes it would be great to go to an ivy but you shouldn't run yourself in the ground to try to impress them

    just do the things you like and enjoy... get good grades and competitive test scores... and let your personality shine through in the application... all the colleges really want is to know that your smart and still a kid... they don't want super achieving robots...

    just do what you want... the rest will come to you

  2. I am about to be a 10th grader in ~43 days. During spare time like in the summer, I would go to the libary and try to get books cover 10th grade materials that I would be learning. At home, I would go about reading and try to understand what the books are talking about. If you do this as a head start, in High School you would be picking up what you already learned faster than other people.

    To me, High School is boot camp. It's hard. High Schools are meant to coerce you to keep studying and stay in school. My cousins all went to Ivy League Schools- one went to Harvard Univeristy, one went to Tufts University, and other went to Brandeis. Believe me, I've ask them questions about college.

    All they could tell me is study hard, and try to learn things that haven't been taught yet in school. There is no secret, everyone in school are just experiencing the same pressure as you too.


  3. My friends just did well in High School- A's and stuff. One of them went straight to an Ivy League and the other went to community college before transferring to an Ivy League.  

  4. i'm planning to go to brandeis next fall.

    super grades, volunteer work, leadership roles, super test scores, and something innovative and out of the box.

    ex: scuba diving certificate, 4H ambassador, self-owned business, or travel experiences (those are mine).

    yours: anything that interests you! i could help you think of some things pertaining to your interests. maybe add details about what really interests you!

    also, if your choice ivy league school has a pre-college summer program, and you can afford it ( i never could ), then sign up! it will help you get a feel for the school.

    hope i helped!

    good luck!

  5. Assuming you have decent grades including standardized tests, have no noticeable personality problems, do extracurriculars and volunteering and do not have a criminal background, the secret to getting into an Ivy League school is to have an awesome application.  You have to have things in there that really pop out to the reviewers.  A misconceptions about getting into an Ivy League is that if you excelled in everything in high school, they will admit you.  You will, however, get admitted if you can effectively show that you are an excellent student on your application.  This means you have to spend many hours on it, especially the essay.  Then get other people to give you feedback so you can improve on you application over and over.  Then, after a month or so of creating the perfect application, you will be set.  If you don't get in, then this means you were not cut out for an Ivy League.  

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