
Do anyone think Jesus was married?

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Does anyone believe that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had a child. Most Christians in Africa and the Middle East believe this




  1. It's possible, but not provable.

  2. No He wasn`t. Absolutely not.  

  3. why not he was human wasnt he..

  4. Nope.  There was no Mrs. God.

  5. I believe it. Why not? It was customary in those days for everyone to be married, even the Rabbis were. Back then men married to carry on their genetic line and it was also seem as power.

    Look up Solomon in the bible for he had about 2000 wives and concubines, and if he could not have s*x anymore, this son's would have taken the throne from him. A men's sexuality was seen as part of power and intelligence.

    The whole distorted idea of celibacy came around 700 AD in the churches. It was nothing Jesus taught.

  6. no he was God's son in the flesh. He came down to save not hump. s*x is for humans not God. It would be to God like he created a s*x machine to please him. God son has no equal.

  7. No, I just talked on here tonight.I can't find any verse stating he was married. Also, Jesus IS God. So, he wasn't telling himself to be fruitful and multiply.

  8. I believe he was married.

  9. This is the focal point of the 'DaVinci Code' by Dan Brown. And he does give some good points that were later discussed in many, many other books. But the thing is, we will probably never know. Even though it would make sense that he would be.

  10. I think he was married.  I dont think he had a child.

  11. He probably had quite a number of children with her. Best information current is that he died at Masada.

  12. It's not in the Holy Bible that I read.

  13. the bible never mentioned him geting married did it??

    im not sure i never read the whole ible...

  14. There is scant evidence for an 'historical jesus', but if he existed at all, the tradition at the time was that young men got married by time they were 21. If there was a 'jesus' do you think he would have defied that tradition?

  15. I agree.  Jesus was a human male and naturally would have been interested in women and leaving an heir.

  16. NO.

  17. Yes, he was married. As God, He was married to the nation of Israel, and as everyone knows, upon His death, that ended the marriage covenant (old Testament), and now He is free to marry the "Church" when He comes back. Thanks for asking.

  18. He never got married and never had kids. He wasn't even tempted with that kind of stuff. He had no reason to. His propose while on earth was to spread the word about christianity and die on the cross to be raised from the dead 3 days later, not to get married and have kids.

  19. No, I believe he wasn't married.

  20. Jesus was a 30+ year old VIRGIN.

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