
Do apartments only consider cats and dogs as pets. I hear some let caged animals in....Please read further?

by Guest44992  |  earlier

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For instance if you have a "caged ferret" Or a bunny. Would they let you have those? I am going to be moving into my first apt hopefully by the end of the year and need to know.




  1. Ask your landlord. They probably won't care about a hamster or something, but might object to a noisy parrot that will make your neighbors angry.

  2. It depends where you live and who the landlord is. It varies everywhere. My friend lived in an apartment with her rabbit, and they didn't seem to mind....

  3. Well it really depends on your landlord/property owner.  Some will let you have caged animals and some say no pets at all and that includes pets in cages.  Your best bet is to ask them specifically if you can have caged pets or not.

  4. I live in an apartment and own 4 'caged' ferrets though I do let them out to run around with supervision often.  When we were moving back to the area we live in I had notified the landlord that at that time I had owned 2 ferrets and they allows us to keep them and move in but we did still have to pay a pet deposit on them and they also worked out a deal for the cost of the deposit.  All you can do is ask.

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