
Do aquatic frogs not need food or something?

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He won't eat anything I put in the tank, he's really skinny, but still alive after about three months of this.




  1. What are you feeding him? They only eat things that sink. Period end of story. They will not accept flake or floating pellet. I myself have never tried or managed to find those frog pellets, but I have heard good reviews of them. The pellets should not be the base of him diet tho. Blood worms should be the base of his diet, with various treats of brine shrimp, pellets, mysis shrimp, or black worms a few times a week. That is what I do with mine, only minus the pellets.

  2. Of course he needs food . if he is in a tank with fish he is skinny because the fish it all the food . aquatic frogs ( I guess it is an African dwarf frogs )

    are slow eaters and therefore I would not keep them with fish.

  3. They sell pellets specially designed for them.  Everything needs to eat, he's not living on love.


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