
Do atheiests celebrate the same holiday christians do?

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like christmas,for atheists celebrate it?it's about celebrating Jesus' birth,right?

do atheists have the same holiday schedule as chirstians?




  1. I can't speak for other a-the-ists BUT I do NOT 'celebrate' xmas.

    I take a month's holiday in Tasmania and go stay with dad a few days and my brother for a few days and tour around visiting places and old friends.

    Xmas is a time for feasting and drinking and present giving.

    I do NOT believe in invisible sky swooping creatures or zombies and I don't celebrate their reputed existence.

    The whole invisible-sky-critter scam is childish nonsense not too dissimilar to bogeymen under the bed; it was invented by crafty old men as a management tool to scare and or control peasants and small children.


  2. Celebrate?  No

    take the time off?  yes

    It's a cultural thing

  3. I do celebrate christmas, I love all the presents I get.

    btw, christmas is a pagan holiday.

  4. if you mean all the public hoilidays that are a huge part of society then yes

    if you mean all the very same holdays that are actually of pagan origins then yes

    its about jesus birth, for christians

    its about yule, for pagans

    its about, family and celebration and tradition for EVERYONE

    do christains have the same holiday schedule as pagans?

    i think they do abstract

  5. We don't give a sh*t about Jesus, we just want our presents.

  6. Christmas is about spending time with family and santa!  I don't know too many peopel who actually go to church anymore for Christmas, there are some but its more of a family holiday!   Christians don't own the rights to Christmas!    

    I am Aussie we will take a day off for any holiday

    the govenment gives us the days off so I am taking full advantage of those days off!

  7. Some do some don't. Atheists tend to follow the same holiday schedule as the predominant religion of the country. They follow them in a secular way, Christmas is about presents, not Jesus, but may even join in Carol singing after a number of pints! Atheists in China are more likely to celebrate Buddhist holidays.  

  8. Why do Christians celebrate Halloween?

    Answer: Atheists like presents and Christians like lollies.

    Xmas is actually a rip off of the pagan holiday Yule, Jesus was born in the middle of the year.

    Do you put up a Xmas tree? that is an old pagan custom

  9. I celebrate christmas for a time to get together with the whole of my, ever growing, family as its the one time of year everyone gets off. I don't celebrate Jesus or any belief system.

  10. No, I think they just have Mas.

  11. ummm.. yes I think most do because most celebrate christmas and easter just for fun not because of jesus and stuff.

    Most people  don't do christmas for the reason anyway or easter if you think about it.

  12. Yeah, but its not about jesus for me, its about having time off and enjoying myself.

  13. For me, it's about Santa Clause, gifts and good food.

  14. I'm sure they do.  After all some of the holidays are fun.  I don't celebrate christian holidays because I have my own.

  15. I celebrate Christmas because it's a tradition, and nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity (there was a mid-winter festival long before Christianity was invented).  I don't celebrate Easter or any other 'holy day'.

  16. Christmas was stolen from a Pagan festival, as was Easter.

    So yes, we do.

  17. My only holiday is Super Bowl Sunday.

  18. Oh,that's only a part of it.I celebrate every religion's holidays.I also make up my own.I'm retired.I got it like that

  19. "it's about celebrating Jesus' birth,right?"

    No, it's not. This Christmas, pay attention to what people are doing.  

  20. The Christmas is celebration of winter solstice, established by Pagans.

    Get your data straight.

    Christians stole the holiday, that´s all

    Oh yea, i do celebrate it.

    Santa is same real, as your god

  21. I celebrate christmas, but it's not about Christ, it's about getting together with my family, exchanging presents and eating good food.

    Easter, not so much. If I happen to be near my mum's house then I might go over for some food as we'll both have time off work...but otherwise, no, don't really celebrate it.

    In my country we don't even use the word Christmas. We celebrate Yule.

  22. I have a feast (traditions that occurred at this time of year long before Christianity), exchange gifts (another tradition at that time which predates Christianity), and put up a tree and decorations related to the return of the light and sentimental objects (again these traditions don't originate in Christianity).

    Many Christmas traditions associated by a lot of people solely with Christianity now were merely adapted from pre-existing cultural/religious celebrations centered around the solstice, winter, and the promise of lengthening daylight and return of spring ahead. If Christians can borrow them and celebrate them and not be hypocrites then so can I. I am celebrating it as a cultural traditon that is rooted in ancient observations of phenomenon in nature.

  23. I think it depends on where in the world the person was brought up. I was born in the UK - a so-called "Christian" country, so yes , I enjoy a holiday at the end of December and give and receive gifts and cards - it's part of British culture and I grew up with it. I also see more of family and friends, but I don't celebrate Christmas as a religious festival. Besides, it's becoming more of a secular and retail  celebration in the UK these days.

    Also did you know that the Christmas celebration on the 25th of December was introduced by early Christians to coincide with and assimilate the pagan festivals celebrating the winter solstice (Dec 21st) already celebrated for many centuries in Britain? So, in reality, there is nothing strange or wrong with an atheist enjoying a celebration at that time of year - we're just reclaiming what is already ours!!

    I don't celebrate Easter or any of the saint's days - besides, it was never a big cultural thing in the UK when I was growing up.

  24. jesus wasnt even born on dec 25th, the holiday is stolen from pagans. so frankly it doesnt really have anything to do with the christian religion. so anyone can celebrate christmas!

    Christmas is about love and being with your family, and you also get prezzies as a bonus :-)

    P.S why do some christians celebrate halloween and go out trick or treating?

  25. For me christmas is about spending some quality time with my family, the date of christmas is coincidentally the exact same one as the pre-christianity roman festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, "the birthday of the undefeated sun".

    But at least Eostre, sorry Easter is a good pure christian celibration.

  26. I kinda do. Christmas was just a hijack from the pagan traditions so why not ?

    Oh, and by the way. It's spelled "atheists".

  27. Um, yeah.  Christmas is about Jesus' birth.  Santa comes round Christmas Eve, and the Easter Bunny drops off eggs on your lawn.

  28. When the Christian holiday schedule has been translated into our workplaces closing down, why not? I no longer believe in the Christian meaning of Christmas, but that doesn't mean it can't be the time of year I always get on a plane to go visit the family.

  29. Atheists have Easter, and Christmas, but really only because they have become a commercial holiday rather than an actual holiday to celebrate Jesus.

    I mean I know why we have Christmas and why we have Easter, but I never really think about it. I just like presents and chocolate. ^^

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