
Do atheists actually want god?

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"They are hungry and yearning for the Lord, but they will not give up their ungodly ways and accept Jesus and obey His Word."

I see this sort of thing all the time. Some theists actually believe that atheists WANT to believe in a god - that we yearn for it and are actually SEARCHING for god's love.

Do they even know what atheism means? What kind of twisted idea is this? We might as well say that Christians are yearning to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but will not give up their un-noodly ways and accept him.




  1. I highly doubt it. I mean, if they want a god, they can just convert. Perhaps subconciously they do, but who can tell?

  2. Beletje you have quoted other peoples statements, so I'll answer your question.

    Atheists have no need for God which does not exist.  

  3. When I was a Christian I would have sworn on a stack of Bibles that I was not brainwashed, but now I look back and see that there was a general tendency to swallow anything that other Christians said as being 80% to 100% true.  This is the case with statements like this and "atheism is a religion".  Some Christian preached it or wrote a book about it therefore it has to be true, even when there is no evidence to back it up.

    And no, I'm not hungry and yearning for the Lord.  The part about not wanting to give up "their ungodly ways" is just ridiculous.

  4. I don't know. Do we actually want to believe in Tooth Fairy?  

  5. Christians will try absolutely anything, and I do mean anything, to prove their point. It has to make no sense, I am convinced that some make these rationales up on the spot. So no, this does not surprise me at all. Is it true, do I want more of that back breaking Christian deity, not at all. I have spent most of my adult life distancing myself from it.  

  6. According to the Bible (Romans 1), an atheist knows deep down in his/her heart that there is a God and “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”  Though an atheist is blinded by Satan’s lies and dead in his sins, there is still a longing in every human heart to search and know God.  That’s one reason why Atheists hang around in R&S section and discuss God.

  7. Like I will say and have said for many times. Many believers are stupid.

  8. I neither want nor need a gawd.  But I would accept one's existence if evidence suggested it.  So far there is none.

  9. Basically they think that everyone should believe in god, their against free will.

  10. Is that what you think?  

    If that were true, what's stopping us?

    You believe in something there is no proof of. Not a shred.

  11. There are some people who seem completely incapable of accepting that there are some who just don't believe in their God, and that it's nothing to do with them being bitter or stupid, but to do with the fact that the concept of God isn't something they want or are able to buy into. I've found these people to be in the minority, but that doesn't stop it being unbelievably annoying.

  12. I would like a God if he did whatever I wanted him to... of course, that would make me God I suppose.

  13. I just want people to quite confusing the fact that it may be true that they believe it, with the notion that what they believe is actually true.

    Searching for god, hmm, more like objective empirical repeatable observational facts or at least sound and valid arguments.

    I do not think that is too much to ask, considering that the claims are often purported as being the truth.

    I am not searching for god I am searching for the reasoning behind the deliberate ignorance and stubborn irrationality.

    I have decided that religion is just a philosophical convenience, people do not want to actually have to think about basic philosophical questions.

    They would rather let some one else think about it for them, never mind if the answers do not appear to be even remotely based in reality. As long as the answers are provided.

    I did the hole searching for god religious thing, but I could not get past the way reality actually works, I guess that's why I am atheistic.

    There is no evidence no sound arguments, there is not even the semblance of consistency within a single religion.

  14. Agnostics say that God cannot be proven or disproven.

    Atheists outrightly deny the existence of God------as if they have proof that He doesn't exist.

    So, atheists exhibit somewhat of a degree of faith--faith in their conviction that God doesn't exist.  

    I have yet to hear this proof.  Maybe atheists are yearning to believe in God but need the proof.  But then where is your proof that He doesnt exist?

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