
Do atheists find it impossible to think inside the box ?

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Do Christians find it impossible to think outside ?




  1. I have two cats who think inside the box for me, just before they shred it.

  2. while atheists are making scientific discoveries, christians are still reffering to a 2000 year old book.

    Now isn't that a laugh.

  3. How do know about the box?  Who told you?

    (I was saving that as a special surprise)

  4. Atheists cannot think inside the box.  That's why they're going to h**l.

    Christians can think in and outside the box.

    There are intelligent people who think "inside the box."  Some of them are Christians.  Some are Republicans.  Some are both.  

    The things they need to believe are kept inside a box where Satanic forces like science and facts and reason cannot get in.  It's called "compartmentalization" by social scientists. Atheists are lacking in this skill.  

    However, if boxed-in thinkers work at a job that requires reason and looking at facts, they are perfectly capable of thinking "outside the box" while on the job.  Later, they can crawl back into the box and ask forgiveness for any Satan inspired questions they might have had while outside.  .  

    That way they can be in the world, but not of it.  

  5. We can do either, we are open minded.

  6. There are only a few things that go on inside my box ... and thinking is not one of them.

  7. Its in my nature to tear boxes apart.

  8. What box?

    see what I did there?  me smart.

  9. No


  10. We've already looked inside the box, and found that it's empty.

  11. I find it disturbing when proponents of Christianity (in effect)

    deceive through convoluted manipulation of "history" (sic)

    My opinion is that Jesus would spit upon some of the trash

    spoken in this response-list by "defenders of Christianity".

    (and maybe call them part of a 'generation of vipers' ...

    yeah . I can see that)

    even tho I favor agnosticism, I somehow respect some of the

    ideas attributed to Jesus.

    but "Christians" are sometimes very scary people who

    seem to lack the gift of love and kindness.

    just my heathenistic opinion

  12. Xians are inundated with fear when they peek outside of the box. You can't think when you're eaten alive with fear.  

  13. I've been inside the box.  I was locked in it for years.

    And I still peer into it all the time, mainly by watching the nutters scrambling around in it, right here in R&S.

  14. it's rarely a good thing and isn't really recomended to anyone, regardless of personal belief

  15. ((((yawn))))


    "Dr zoom zoom your site is completely inaccurate"

    No, it's not. How could I have possibly gotten everything wrong? lol!

    "calling the Chinese non theists and even if they were atheists what has that to do with the price of rice ?"

    I don't think I said everyone was an atheist in China. I said it was run by atheists (and it is). The leaders of China (atheists communists) caused the deaths of millions of people. The point is: absence of religion does not guarentee an end to war as many atheists seem to think.

    "As for the Germans the leadership for WW1 and 2 were catholics . "

    Actually Bismark was a Lutheran. The Ottoman Turks were also involved in WW1 and they were Muslims. Just goes to show you Christians aren't the only people who participate in wars.

    "Yes Hitler was a christian [sic]."

    And no, Hitler wasn't a Christian. He only kept up the appearance of being one for political reasons:

    "" Around 1937, when Hitler heard the at the instigation of the party and the SS vast numbers of his followers had left the church because it was obstinately opposing his plans, he nevertheless ordered his chief associates Goering and Goebbels, to remain members of the church. He too would remain a member of the Catholic Church, he said, although he had no real attachment to it. And in fact he remained in the church until his suicide." [ Inside The Third Reich by Albert Speer Pg. 146]

    Think outside the box: The swastika, runes, etc., were all pre-Christian pagan symbols. His favorite philospher was Nietzsche, anti-Semetic atheist. His bizare racial ideas came from occultists like H.P. Blavatsky (who was also anti-Semitic and anti-Christian).  If Hitler was a Christian why did he want to eliminate Christianity after WWII had he won? You mean you don't believe the findings of the Nuremberg trials?

    " Also wasn't Issac Newton persicuted [sic] by the RCC ?"

    Actually no, he lived in England during the Reformation which held no direct authority over Great Britain. He wasn't persecuted by the Church of England either. He held Arian views rather than Anglican, but was still a Christian, just the same.

    " It also admits the 40,000 { minimum best estimate } over 500 years but what about the 50% of the population of Germany alone during the 30 year war started by the RCC demanding the edict of restitution be enforced ?"

    The Edict of Restitution was part of the 30 years War, and that war was about what all wars are about: economic resources. Considering atheists conceived and implemented communism, which lead to the death of 100 million people (more than killed in the name of all the so-called "Holy Wars" put together) in the span of about 70 years, atheists don't really have the moral high ground to cast aspersions.

    Wars are always started over economic resources, as were WW1 and WW2. Anyone who taken a basic college history course will tell you that. People hide behind excuses of patriotism, nationalism, and yes, religion, but they're still just excuses for war.

    I guess I can think outside the box.  There's your answer. Ta-da!

  16. I find the box to be too confining for my taste. I have been in the box and I did not like it.

  17. I'm a Christian and I have hard time thinking INSIDE the box.  I've always been OUTSIDE the box as long as I can remember.  My family can attest to that.  I'm always the one with the original thoughts and ideas.

  18. I've been in the box and out of the box and neither have been too great, so I'm not sure what to do next.  I will say that I prefer to be outside of the box as the people inside tend to be a bit narrow for me.  So, I'm still in search of a box that I like and feel comfortable in.

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