
Do atheists have any good answer to deal with the improbability that the universe was randomly-formed?

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I believe the chance of a randomly-formed universe is something on the order of 1 in ten to the power z, where z = nonillion = 10 raised to the power 30.




  1. You should be burned at the steak for your heresy.  Who gave you the RIGHT to believe in anything not in the official TEACHINGS?  Your belief is neither founded on good science nor legitimate Scripture.

    Can you say "Quack"?

    Incidentially, I've studied the Probability question for years.  I have reached three different conclusions over the years:

    1.  The probability of the Universe forming is 1.000, because it did.

    2.  The probability of the Universe forming is ≈ 1/ ∞, the same as any other random event

    and finally, I've reached the ultimate answer

    3.  The probability that the Universe formed is 42 (but I'm still trying to pin down whether it is +42, - 42, 42i, or - 42i )


  2. why is it so hard for you to accept we have a diffrent faith?

    religion, atheism, either way you have to take something on faith.... my faith lies in the fact that every modernized god i've ever heard of does not ACT like a god.... they act with vengence and jealousy, wrath and demand worship..... sounds like a medieval king notorious for chopping off the heads of all those who oppose him... not a loving, forgiving all-power deity...  

  3. It's called The Big Bang Theory.

  4. There might be infinite amount of universes beyond our own. We just happen to live in a universe that supports life (otherwise, we of coirse wouldn't be here in the first place). Other universes might have different laws of nature, and the majority would probably not support life as we know it.

    Search for "multiverse" in Google.

  5. Yeah, the chance that you will get exactly THIS universe is low, but just see it like that: The chance, that your god is responsible for creating the universe, contrary to the believes of other religions in the universe, is even lower.

    And the chance for any universe getting randomly created is pretty much a tautology - physics will always produce a universe, if you like it or not.

  6. Why do christians feel compelled to witness in the astronomy section?  I don't go around posting anti-christian diatribes in the christian boards.  Of course I am often provided the opportunity to do so in the scientific section.  

  7. I often wonder how, in the alleged "minds" of creationists, "Uniform and Eternal Laws of Physics" can possibly equate to "randomness."

  8. Do creationists all try to use science based terminology to justify their faith based conclusions? The belief that the universe was created based on natural laws has nothing to do with atheism, and Creationists declaring that people who don't subscribe to their version of the creation story are all atheists is religious nazism at it's worst.

  9. If one universe can form by chance, then any number of universes might do so. ANY number. Some fraction of those universes will have characteristics compatible with some form of life. The details are not to be counted when improbabilities are considered, since of course what any observer will observe is a universe having conditions which permitted his own evolution. You count improbabilities only up to the point at which the emergence of some unspecified kind of observer occurs. You don't pile on specifics beyond there. That's how the weak anthropic principle works.

  10. I've found they have better answers than the God-people that explain everything away to "God did it, that settles it, next question"

    Athiests, like scientists are free thinking. They are fully open to changing , adjusting, updating or building upon the latest views or theories about how the universe came to be. They have no problem admitting they were wrong, and embracing

    new perceptions as newer scientific evidence becomes availiable.

    Athiests are completely open to changing their views to fit reality.

    Theists change reality to fit their views. Think about that.

    We would not have computers, cell phones, television and a multitude of other modern marvels without a basic understanding of cosmology(atomic physics, relativity, quantum mechanics etc.).The bible is one of many spiritual guides, and its a good one for spiritual purposes, but its not a very good reference on how electrons move, or orbital mechanics.

    Try telling a Theist that carbon 14 dating is a relible method to

    determine the age the Earth to be around 3.5 billion years, and not 6000 years as they insist.

    By the way, I've noticed in several forums here on YA's that although many religions claim to be persecuted for believing in THEIR particular God, those same people slam the athiests for the sin of a LACK of a religion or belief in a god....


  11. The Universe operates on natural forces and always has, as far as we know.

    Isn't it fun to make up imaginary probability numbers?


  12. No one has a good answer to deal with how the universe was formed.  "God did it" merely adds one improbability to another.

  13. Question: How is it that what YOU believe is more compelling a belief than what someone else believes, therefore must be the only correct answer?


  14. It is scientifically viable the proof of the existence of God. Athiesm, like Christian faith, is a choice of the will. It is not based on reason, much as one is not converted in their heart according to the reasoning of their intellect. Maybe we ought to be, but it just doesn't work that way. There are not usually scientific, formulaic answers that will satisfy the question of why one has faith, because much of our existence is non-physical, hence, it is felt and known only in our souls. Like falling in love, there is no formula or checklist that qualifies  their beloved. We just love. And it is real enough to supersede all other loves.

    This does not give it any less credence. Although invisible and unmeasurable by science,  our thoughts, emotions, and desires are clearly viable, and most of life as we experience it depends wholly on them. God, who is revealed in the fingerprints of nature, has revealed Himself in the souls of all men. Consider children. No child will deny God is real. That belief is a fabrication man designed to justify himself. ***Jesus sternly warns against tampering with children and leading them astray. "It will be better that he tie a weight to his neck and jump into the sea."(paraphrase)

    While we can deny in our souls things like love and art, charity and beauty, the law of sowing and reaping, our fallen state, and His ultimate judgment of how we lived in this world, the universe still operates according to them. God still exists and operates in the world regardless of what shape we twist our hearts into. He does not need our belief in Him in order to be real. There is such a thing as spiritual blindness. The bible talks about us walking in ignorance in our former times.

    The reason athiests do not believe in God is a matter of the heart. It is not at all "unreasonable" to believe in God, as your equation above shows. Popular Athiest Steven Hawking even said there is no way this complex universe was created by random chance. Yet he remains athiest. This is a man known to be one of the brightest men of our time. In his intellect, he knows there is a God (he sees proof of it everyday at work), but his *will* is against believing in Him. Yet children need no such proof. It is written on their hearts.

    To answer your question, Athiests do not have answers to deal with it. They harden their hearts toward God and become stubborn. Not to despair. Christians also do this in response to the deep hurts dished out by this life. It is truly difficult to reconcile a Good God with the experience of the bad in life.  We truly need Him to help us to believe. That is why the bible says that if we knock, the door will be opened. If we ask, He will answer. He will help. He wants us to be full, whole, free, and secure in His Love. This is impossible to do in the mind. We must engage the soul. We must open our hearts to Him. Denial is merely a mental defense to keep walls up around our wounded hearts.

    Thankfully, He loves us greatly and there is forgiveness for the asking. If we merely repent and turn to Him, He is gracious and bestows upon us more than we could ever earn by our own merit and more then we deserve. He can restore us to that state of awe and love for Him that we had as children. If we are *willing*.

    I love Athiests and pray for their peace of mind and heart and for the eyes of their hearts to be opened.

    Jesus is Lord.


  15. your "belief" in the numbers you supplied tells me you have given your brain to god. did he give them to you directly? if so, WATCH OUT he is a real prankster. look at all the grief he caused when he told the first catholic that we were the center of the universe. poor tyco. or the fools he made out of a lot of mormons when he sent his magic lizard to tell joe smith that the earth was 13,000 yrs. old then he let us come up with carbon dating. the improbability with your question is the improbability that your equation is not improbable. and a big amen to he who asked "why ask if youre going to ignore".

  16. So you "believe" this stuff? That is the proper word to use. Beliefs are accepted as true with no proof. You are just mindlessly repeating some junk pseudo-math uttered by a creationist who knows next to nothing about science or math. The probability is not what you say it you fail to mention that the invention of a greater complexity (gods) as creating a lesser one (universe) is totally illogical and thus makes the figure you mention seem quite small. No one knows how the universe originated, but it is better to admit you do not know than to say "[God, Yahweh, Allah, Marduk, Brahma, Anu, Yu Ti, etc.] did it", for that means nothing at all. Natural laws are not random, I must inform you!

  17. yea, no one cares what you believe. the universe isnt complicated as you are implying. as long as gravity exists in some form the universe would be similar to what it is today. to claim anything otherwise is ridiculous. you obviously have no cosmological or scientific understanding at all.

  18. It's about as random as saying  God we can't even see created it. There's no difference.

    Without people questions things, we probably wouldn't have the cures and treatments for things that could kill us.

  19. There are a few theories out there and the one your talking about is that the universe expands then colapses and then starts growing again and like a deck of cards that were reshuffled everything changes this theory says our universe is much much older than we know and that all we are looking at is our expantion and not the other expantionsand colapses  being our universe is 13.7 billion yrs old all evidence are now gone and we may never know if any of these theories are correct

  20. is it fun to smite people

  21. If by atheist you mean Scientist, science builds on observation and experimentation.  It is wiling to say "we don't know";  and, does not make up answers to feel good.  

    Also, the probability does not matter;  it has happened, and whether it could have happened in any number of ways, does not discount that it happened as it did.    

  22. Why ask the question if you'll dismiss the answers?

  23. And what are the chances that an all knowing, all powerful man watching down on us created the universe in 6 days, created the Earth during that time, 6000 years ago, even when there are civilizations that are older than 6000 years?

    Seeing as I am an atheist I would love to answer your question. Athesits that know nothing about the universe's formation or the Big Bang theory say that it was randomly formed because they have no idea what they are talking about. Atheists that are aware of the scientific theories on how the universe was created don't think it was created randomly at all. There was obviously some sort of trigger for the big bang, we just haven't figured it out yet. One of the leading theories is part of the string theory... it says that two branes collided. So we don't think that the universe was created randomly at all, we just don't believe that it was created by God because we don't believe in God. God is the easy way out. How was the universe formed? "uhhh God did it." How was the Earth formed? "uhh God did it." How was man created? "uhh God did it." So we have a much better answer for all of these questions.

  24. go **** yourself

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