
Do atheists know how to read details? (read my details for more info)?

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I asked why atheists ask questions... (this part was in the details) "OUTSIDE of R&S", and most of them thought I was asking why they ask questions, period. Or they thought I was asking why atheists ask questions in R&S because they didn't read the detail that said, "outside of R&S".

Also, do atheists need things to be specifically clear for them to answer correctly?

I didn't specifically say "religious" questions, and some of them thought I was asking why they ask any type of question outside of R&S.

To be more specific and clear... "Why do atheists ask RELIGIOUS questions OUTSIDE of R&S?"

Thank you for making a simple question so difficult.




  1. There really is no point to asking religious questions outside of R&S. You made it difficult yourself.

  2. For once and for all: I don't care about God because I have no reason to believe he exists. So, as far as I'm concerned - I don't care. Don't care. Don't care.

    I'm Jewish and there are so many traditions and religious practices - it's ridiculous. It's like slavery, with this god being the enslaver. Even if some god exists, I don't want my freedom to be compromisd. As long as I'm not doing anything to harm anybody else, I want to do what I want to do. I have no intention of becoming a slave to some higher entity for all eternity. That's just not my plan. If he wants, he can wipe me out of existence. To me, there's no point of existing to be a slave.

  3. I don't. (Ask question outside of R&S) I tend not to ask question inside of R&S as well. But if you want my opinion........

  4. People are people and some are less interested in details than others.

    Anyway, atheists ask questions about anything just like anyone else. Religious people make religious comments all the time - why shouldn't atheists too?

  5. Do I know how to "read details"?  Yes.  Thanks for asking.

    Do I need things to be "specifically clear" to answer correctly?  If the part you're leaving out alters the meaning of the question... um, yes.  I can't read your friggin' mind, you know.  If you want to know specifically about religious questions, you need to say "religious questions".

    "Why do atheists ask religious questions outside of R&S?"  I don't.  I do, however, ask non-religious questions outside of R&S.  

    I think you should stop blaming other people for your inability to string a coherent sentence together.  Seriously, if that many people misunderstand your questions, odds are it's probably your fault, not theirs.

  6. *sigh*, I don't think they understand, STILL, what you are asking....... ohhhh, well..... go in peace..... God bless

  7. ok

  8. To answer your question; Bobbin Threadbare was the protagonist in 'Loom', a young weaver who was a child of prophecy.  

    Also, squirrels would not be sufficient fuel for a rocket engine, no matter how tightly you pack them.

    Hope that helps.


  9. I didn't bother to answer your boring question.

    If others got your question wrong it is probably because they lost the will to live half way through reading it. That would explain them not understanding it fully.

    Why are you so interested in what atheists do anyway? Are you some kind of stalker.

  10. "Why do atheists ask RELIGIOUS questions OUTSIDE of R&S?"

    1) They don't see that yahoo wants to put their question in "Hockey" until it's too late, and you can't reclassify the question.

    2)  You only *think* that the religious angle is relevant, when the person who posted the question considers that part of the issue as secondary

    3)  They may be trying to make a point that is best made by intentionally placing it in the category you do not think applies.

  11. To be honest, even after all this "explaining".. your question is still confusing. I didn't see the first one either.

    It seems you mean to ask why they asked questions in other sections of YA.... I think.

    And as an atheist who has asked questions in other sections, the reason is because I have questions about other things. Obviously.

    If I ever asked a question about religion, and it ended up in a different category, it was probably because the YA sensors picked a different category and I didn't notice it until after the question posted. I don't recall that ever happening with religion questions, but I know it happened at least once with a non-religion question.

    You think this never happened to non-atheists? Srsly.

  12. because we can have an interest in the subject inside and outside of here

    i think thats clear enough on its own

    theres no need to be so rude and agressive, calm down

    people make mistakes, we all do, you too friend, so give people a break will you and get off your high horse

  13. I didn't see the other question, but is it at all possible that your details weren't very clear?

    But for a simple answer....yes.

    To answer the other question....I ask outside of R&S because R&S doesn't have all the answers, ya know?

  14. Yes... I like pudding... thank-you for asking...

  15. No no, thank *you* for wasting 45 seconds of my life :-)

  16. Yes,yes we do....

    And no,you will want to cook the babby an extra 15 mins.

  17. A waste of time and space. Can't you post this drivel somewhere appropriate, like in the "Waste of Time and Space" category?

  18. why dont you patronize your target audience a little more then im sure you will get a decent answer from them.

    btw..if there is a god.. im sure he loves you and all that but he must be blushing a little bit right now... he is probably saying to jesus "hey jesus that numpty is at it again, i told you to give him more brains.... why didnt you listen " lol

  19. Love thy Atheists.

    God love you!

  20. This is the internet, its a hub for stupid people. At least your question couldn't have been easily answered by typing it into google! And atheist take offense to everything, especially the ones on here who like to pound out their ideals by offering near sighted infinitives. If you want an atheist to give you a seriously well thought out and civil answer, I'd go to a respectable forum because yahoo answers does not have very many calm and collective atheists.

  21. Pedantic


    1.ostentatious in one's learning.

    2.overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, esp. in teaching.

    Thank you for drawing out a short question for so long. I didn't read it, just to spite you.

  22. Since an atheist does not believe, no question is more or less religious for him than any other.

    Much as since an atheist does not believe, he can never blaspheme.

    You seem to have decided that since you misunderstand things, that makes you cleverer than anyone else.

    That's OK: we are used to believers and your funny ways.

  23. wow, I just heard this Q in the bargain bin.

  24. It is rather pointless for anyone to ask religious questions outside of R&S, and I don't.

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