
Do athletes get banned only for drugs that help them cheat or do they get banned for all drugs?

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what about normal drugs like weed and cocaine or is it just for steriods and drugs to help them win




  1. They get tested for all ILLEGAL narcotics such as cocaine and marijuana. They also get tested for performance enhancing drugs.  

  2. ALL drugs

  3. if they test positive for any drug use, they get banned i think.

  4. Well, since those drugs are illegal in most places, it would make sense that they would be disqualified for any drugs. Except for like regular medication.

  5. only for ones that help them cheat but most drugs help them cheat anyway.

  6. A few years back a Canadian gold medal winner lost his gold because he tested positive for marijuana. Smoking a joint never enhanced anyone's performance.

  7. All illegal drugs

    if they are medical drugs they are not allowed to take part in their event unless they have a medical form signed by ther GP who will then perform a urine test to check and confirm that they are safe drugs and will not affect there play in anyway.

  8. all drugs hmm maybe

  9. For All drugs!!!!!!!!!!

    if you were a coach would u have a team full of people who take drugs

  10. I'm probably guessing all drugs. Well I mean it would only makes sense, but watch me be wrong because the country can sometimes be screwy!

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