
Do attractive people have more importance than unattractive people?

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Do attractive people have more importance than unattractive people?




  1. No, attractive people do not have more importance than unattractive people; however, it has been proven that other respond much better to attractive people, than unattractive people.

  2. if you take care of yourself then that's wisdom and it will show physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  3. attractive people are labelled as important and popular..someone you will want to listen to..unattractive people are labelled as shy, 'geeks' who are unpopular and you won't want to listen to..this leads to a self fulfilling prophecy where the person lives up to their label and acts accordingly

  4. Only to themselves.

    I find attractiveness within more than on the outside. Too many people today feel that their looks and body will get them further than someone less attractive.

    I have seen some very beautiful people that have the ugliness of one of those monsters from the 1982 movie "The Thing." I have also seen some very physically unattractive people with the heart of a crystal palace.

    Important people, using their looks, always fare better by being rude than the unattractive ones that are polite. Attractive people feel that society owes them everything.

    For once, I would love to see an attractive person put in some of the situations I have been in where you had to use your ingenuity and resourcefulness and cannot call for help.

    When you're on your own, when no one is around to help, attractive or not, the situation isn't prejudice.

  5. of course not. everyone has their own importance. ^_^

  6. yes. im ugly, but i think we need good looking people.

  7. Attractive is as attractive does. I have found my assessment of a person's "good looks" has often changed as I got to know them. Both ways. Better and worse. So in answer, not on face value. But if you're talking true attractiveness, ie I'm attracted to them for their ideas, attitudes, compassion... then yes. Those people are far more valuable to society. Although the word "importance" is also ambiguous. Both weigh in on importance, but in different ways. Like a criminal is important, in that to ignore them and let them keep committing crimes is dangerous, and their impact on society is important. That doesn't mean we have to like them. So I'd say attractive people, (not necessarily beautiful features) are more valuable, while all have importance.  If you're talking just pretty vs ugly, no. Importance is based on value as a person, not looks.

  8. Only to themselves. They use it as a crutch.

  9. What a bunch of politically correct c**p.  Of course they do!  As a matter of fact, it has been proven that people who most people find attractive, tend to have a higher than average IQ as well.  We all know exceptions in our own lives, but I'm sure you can think of plenty of people that fit the mold.  The Prom king/queen usually excel at sports, and academics.

    Ugly people are always trying to dog the beutiful people.  Then they go get a tummy tuck and dye their hair.

  10. No, but  some of them think they do.  Some are as dumb as a door-k**b.

  11. your lame

  12. I think attractiveness is intelligence, personality, genuity, and a giving nature as well as physical appearence so if you think of attractiveness in the true sense of the word then yes

  13. no, the only people who have importance in the world are people who help others, whether they are attractive or not.

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