
Do averaging speed cameras really work. has anyone been caught?

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Do averaging speed cameras really work. has anyone been caught?




  1. yes unfortunately. ive been caught twice! dont speed up in the middle as a camera on the other side of the road will clock you and the average speed in rounded up. the cameras are digital and each image has date time and speed stamped on it so never needs calibrating which is the one defence with gatso and other old style cameras.

  2. we like the ones that digitally tell you your speed and thank you if you are driving under the speed limit

  3. yeah they do. and your gonna see more of em over longer distances on the motorway some up tp 10 miles apart.

  4. Yes, they do work & changing lanes between cameras doesn't work at all - the only think to do is drive so close to the car in front that your number plate can't be read!

  5. A big thumbs up to mad penguin. That is exactly how they work.

    They were first introduced to fight the threat of terrorists, by reading number plates.  Usually seen near ferry ports.

    As our town has the main "A" road from the Stranraer to Glasgow running by it the highway's agency installed these "yellow vultures" as they are nicknamed along the stretch of about 40 miles.  Apparently this road is one of the dangerous in Scotland and technically that is true.  I've had a near miss in a fatal accident few years ago, and I've seen quite a number of accidents on the road.  Just recently a traffic policeman ( highly trained driver) was killed as he tried to avoid a driver pulling out of a "B" class road, to cross this "A" road and turn right down the dual carriageway.  As the policeman was travelling to a hit and run (turns out false) he could not avoid the other driver and was killed instantly.  

    In the local paper, they announced that fatalities and speeding drivers have been reduced by these camera's.  I believe by about 40%.  

    What I don't like about them is when I'm teaching a driver on the road you will get the know it all drivers speeding down to overtake you on the dual carriageway and when they see the camera's overhead the BRAKE!!!!!!  Then they will drive at some stupid  speed of about 55mph through the zone of the cameras.  TOO LATE friend.  You've been caught.

  6. top gear have done some research on this and have stated that if you change lanes beetween cameras they cannot correlate the information. i don't know how true this is but i travel on the m25 everyday and exceed the 50 limit regularly. have not as yet received any penalties. so i guess they only work if you remain in the same lane. still it's probably best to stick to the limit.

  7. It varies you just have to hope & pray they are not working. But the parking enforcement cameras always seem to be working! Ive been caught twice by these, I must be blind as they have big warning signs though! Lol

  8. Every time this question is asked, ignorant people who know nothing start babbling about whether or not the cameras have film in them.

    Average speed cameras DO NOT TAKE PICTURES.

    They use number plate recognition software to record the registration of every vehicle that passes the camera. This information is fed to a central computer system which records the time taken for the vehicle to travel between two cameras, and works out the average speed of the vehicle.

    If you're over the limit, the computer automatically issues a ticket.

  9. Plenty of people have been caught but its estimated that most cameras on busy stretches dont have film in. The film is all used up in the first few days in high traffic speed areas and doesnt get topped up too often......but thats not to say it wasnt topped up just before a speeder goes thru. I dont think speeding is worth the risk of either a fine or an accident.

    I didnt know that theyd gone that case, youre out of luck if its a digital camera. The ones by me are still largely old type as plenty of folk get flashed but very few get anything in the post, unless of course the boys in blue are letting off those that are only a few MPH over the limit but I cant see that.

  10. They do work, they're digital and contain no film, and yes, many people have had the pleasure . . .

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