
Do babies born addicted to methadone have close set eyes and high forheads, or any other birth defects?

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Do babies born addicted to methadone have close set eyes and high forheads, or any other birth defects?




  1. No where did you come up with that description? LOL Sounds like you may be describing a Downs Syndrome child? Anyway, a child born to a mother on Methadone may experience withdrawal from the drug or they may not. If they do hospitals have a plan in place and the effects are usually mild. Methadone has been used as a safe medication for opiate addicted Moms for over 25yrs. There is no difference in the appearance of a Methadone baby and a non Methadone baby. It has not been linked to deformities of any kind.

  2. its seems there are no birth defect that are linked to metadone use while pregnant , but it has not been ruled out.

  3. it's possible

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