
Do babies dream when theyre in their mothers womb?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wondered this, i mean they haven't seen anything? But they have heard things before, so do they dream but only with sounds?




  1. I believe they do dream. Their dreams would be much different than ours however, and some say that babies both pre birth and after they are born, dream primarily about where they have just come from--the non-physical world. At these stages a child is still very connected to the spiritual world from which they originated before they had a physical body. While their spirits are fully formed, even before conception, they now must utilize the physical mechanism they now find themselves in. As brain functions begin to peak--long before physical birth, they begin to adhere to their new physical surroundings, and become aware of their world inside the womb, enjoying the freedom to grow and move within that universe. Then they are born, and their physical journey on earth begins! When they grow old and die, they return from whence they came, carrying with them more knowledge than they had before their earth journey began.

  2. i think so.

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