
Do baby chickens(chicks) have diseases?

by  |  earlier

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My mom said she thinks that they have diseases. Is there anyone out there that can tell me if they do? That would be a big help. Thanks!




  1. when born no unless the mom has a disease but if you really want to no then take them to a vet and if they look mangy then they could be diseased

  2. It is suggested to have them looked up or vaccinated by a veterinarian.

  3. They don't. That is rediculous! LOL.

    No, but they should be given a medicated chick food once they hatch so that they won't develop cocci.

    Every once in awhile you will get a chick that will be born with an illness or something, but it is not contagious to humans and its just an anomly like in human babies.

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