
Do bad reputations really follow you after high school?

by Guest61666  |  earlier

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I know this kid who doesn't care about anything, not her looks, hygene, grades, nothing at all. And she doesn't have alot of friends and everyone hates her. Do you think she'll be able to get a decent job, I don't, I don't understand what the heck her problem is.




  1. Nothing in highschool will follow you out of it. College is  a whole new place where many people find themselves and their place in the world.

  2. As she matures she may change and then people will see a big difference in her, The home conditions may not be good.

    I feel sure that she will out grow a lot of tat, I hope so anyway.

  3. Yeah, if she doesn't change her ways all of that could follow her.  She's old enough to understand that, so if I were you, I'd just talk to her about it, then leave her alone.  Its ultimately up to her to change.

  4. well reputations do follow you after high school. if you ever meet up with someone you used to go to skool with, and you were notorious for something...they will remember.

    now, her chances of getting a job has nothing to do with her reputation unless someone who works there go to school with her and tell the boss....she can change her attitude when it comes to getting a job or when she graduate.

  5. Only if she improves herself it is hard to live down a bad reputation.

  6. I assume she is young, like round 15-17 years old. Instead of rejecting her, why won't you ask her if something is wrong. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to. At that age, or time and specially in high school kids go through a lot of things. Peer pressure, depression, problem in the house and so on. What everyone is doing now (if she does take it into consideration) might affect her later on. Also, yes; she will be able to find a decent job because i think that she is going through  bad situation and people are making it worse. So i suggest that if you want to know what her problem is go and talk to her. It seems that you care about her problem as well; otherwise you wouldn't be asking this ^_^

    Good Luck!

  7. The rep probably wont follow her as she moves on with life but I think the person she is today will be the person she'll be tomorrow and it wont be her rep but her own bad habits that will harm her in her daily life.

  8. you would be surprised what college can do to change someone around she doesn't care now because she has been around the same people since grade school and they all think of her that way if she goes to college that couild change cause no one knows her.

    I have seen it happen

  9. Highschool is basically fantasy world ... after you graduate you actually start becoming a real person and follow your own path in life... im only 3 years removed from highschool and everyone i know has changed for the better ... i forget how people acted back then already... I am actually friends with LOADS more people than back then and i understand this world better but because of that i dont understand it at all ... hope this helped but who you are in HS is not who your going to be

  10. Maybe she has stuff going on at home or just low self esteem. Getting out of the house after graduation might help. If she really doesn't just care than she will probably have a hard time. But with things like doesn't really matter too much after highschool as long as she cleans up. If she walks into a job interview dirty and not caring...then yes, it will matter. But its not like someone with a bad reputation for beating people up and stuff like that...those can stay with you forever.

  11. People tend to keep a mental image of a person, even after school..School reunions are a great time to see how a person has changed, or see if you even recognize them, years later.

    Sometimes a person's circumstances at his/her home are things that we do not know about.  They are poor, the Father drinks and beats the kids, or no Father at all, the Mother may be sick..

    So we should not judge, but I know that people do.  But your opinion of a person can and hopefully will change.

  12. she may of had a hard and bad child hood

  13. If she changes then yeah

    If not then no

  14. nop

  15. first of all it's GREAT to see your concerned about someone very nice, *pats you on the back*.

    secondly, these sort of problem can easily be fixed. her hygiene defiantly is easy to deal with, her looks.. well everyone looks different don't we? grades, encourage her to try harder to think about her future and what's in store. of course the interviewer wouldn't require to see her high school report card though... also they wouldn't require to see how many friend she has.

    there is a lot ahead of her, but what i mean by this is college or university if CAN. She has year and year and years for her to change. but, i do think for her own personal self, even if you don't know her why don't you be her friend? you'll make a difference, who knows maybe with your support she'll be right on track for a perfect job.

  16. You don't know that. Don't be so mean to her. You don't know where she is coming from. I hope she gets a lovely job.

  17. Only if you stay in same place and if it is small place.

    Bad or unacceptable "cultural" standards will have some burden anyway.

  18. There are two schools of thought here (at least on board my train):

    1. The reasons behind the apathy in her appearance, grades, hygiene, etc. are probably ingrained in her personality. If that's the case, and that is just her personality, leaving high school is unlikely to change the way she thinks about herself and her place in it. She could still get a decent job, but that depends on your definition of "decent." Most professional places want someone who is personable, easy to get along with and presents themselves well.

    2. High school is a strange microcosm of the actual world. There are a lot more types of people than there are in your high school class. (In fact, especially in small towns, classes tend to be rather homogenous in both skin color and attitudes) Perhaps once she leaves school and the town, her whole perspective on life will change. She might finally meet people that understand her, don't judge her and have the same opinions and ideas she does. Her life might make a 180 turn, in which case I can imagine she will have a very rewarding job and lots of friends.

    So, you can either continue to ostracize her (although you don't say whether you are one of the everyone who "hates" her) or you can actually try to talk to her and see what she's like. Maybe she hates the town she lives in, maybe she loves emo music and everyone in school loves country, maybe she's g*y and feels like no one understands.

    I dunno...just some suggestions.

  19. Who cares, there are a lot of people in the world like that!! Just worry about you..

  20. Sounds as if you are the one giving her a bad reputation. More power to her for not giving a rats @$$ what others think. Good for her. Those who are saying she has a has a bad reputation are the ones who need to grow up. Specially if your out of school. You may not agree with what I said but you did ask for our opinions.

  21. No, you start again if you move

  22. Not if you move away after high school

  23. man if your out of high school man your grown wtf a rep shouldnt matter to you and no they dont

  24. she'll be able to get a decent job and live a normal life but people never forget those things.  especially in a small town.

  25. whats ur problem why should u care about some one else

  26. After High School, depending on the kind of person you are, everyone gets a clean slate. Whether she goes to college or she stays home, the reputations can follow her if she wants them to. But after she graduates, she could decide that she wants to be a different person realizing she was silly for not caring about her hygene or grades, and want to turn her life around. Most people can change after high school for the better, so it is a possibility she could get a decent job.

  27. If you stay in the same area yes, everyone knows what a cork off you were and will be leery of you.


  28. i dont understand what your problem is and why you care

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