
Do bald men always have baby girls?

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I have a theory about bald/balding men being more likely than men with plenty of hair to have baby girls instead of boys. My theory is related to the fact that men go bald earlier because they have higher levels of testosterone. This part is true, not theory. My theory is that men with higher levels of testosterone are more likely to have all girls or mostly girls for children. And men with lower levels of testosterone (full heads of hair) are more likely to have all boys or mostly boys. My husband (who is balding) has two girls. And I know several families that have three boys and the dad have tons of hair, and several families with two or three girls and the dad doesn't have much hair.

Obviously, there are many families that have children of both sexes and my theory is only that those men have moderate testosterone.

Can anyone defend or counteract my theory? Any scientific information?




  1.  ive been thinking this for years,its nice that someoene else has noticed this.

  2. yes i see this as being somewhat true. But i think men who chase after other girls generally produce female babies.

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