
Do bartenders make a good income?

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I'm going to school to be a bartender and although it seems fun and definitely an interesting job is there money to be made? An actual "living" is what I'm going for..




  1. sordof I guess. Depends on what you think is a good income.

  2. I'm afraid to say it's all about your "status" in society that determines whether or not you'll be able to make a "living".  For instance, in my town, you need a degree from an ivy league school in order to get a job a high school grad could do for minimum wage.  On top of that, I know absolutely nobody.  So, work on becoming a social climber.  It's hopeless for me, but I imagine someone like you will have lots more potential.

  3. As previously stated, it all depends on where you work.  Creating a great relationship with regular customers is a good way to create a solid base. I have found that high volume nightclub atmospheres are not always the best option.  There are some exceptions to this.  I worked in an adult entertainment club for years, pulling in great money.  I now work in a bowling alley/restaurant and make just about the same as at the previous job.  I would say the best years I've had were about $50,000, working only 4 nights per week.  You just have to be prepared to have a different schedule than the rest of the world.  

  4. It depends on what type of place you bartend in.  I have a friend who got by on bartending in Boston until she got a salaried job in tech.  If you get into wine, another friend of mine is a manager/sommelier.  I know I pulled down over $600 one night in bartending, and I never even took the bartending school.  After schooling, get into a country club or high end establishment if you can, but you'll probably have to start at a smaller place and be willing to bounce around when you hear there's an opening at a better place.  That's the nature of hospitality, keep your ears and eyes open and when a better opportunity comes up, haggle for it and grab it.   And you're right, it is fun and very interesting!  I kind of miss it.

  5. It really does depend on where you work...You would make good money working in bars in a downtown area or other places that bring in a good crowd...and to answer the guy above me's question~ you technically don't have to go to school to be a bartender but it does help if you want to get hired at the nicer and busier places.

  6. YES. I made a ton of money bartending. Get into an expensive hotel bar or a bar at a good steakhouse.

  7. You take care of me.

  8. I am also interested in getting a job in a bar.

    Quick add on question, is there any previous job experience required?

  9. Oh heck yeah! I read in a magazine that the average income is 80,000

    I mean I am sure it depends on where you live but how exciting I hope things go well with that for you!  

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